Chapter 3

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Layla's POV~

Song: Location - Khalid (seriously listen this song is bomb af)

It's been two weeks of Brendon and I going to each others houses and having amazing sex. We never really talked before or after, it was sex and then it was over every time. And i'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt. But why would it? Ive had sex with people before and had nothing attached to it, but maybe I wanted something more with Brendon. He let me keep everything I bought on his card and I was crazy for thinking it was a sign of care. I had just gotten home from a shift at the club and it was around four in the morning. When I walked in I saw Brendon past out on my couch shirtless and I smiled a bit.

"Morning Bren!" He started to wake up a bit and smirked at me.

"You're finally home! Ready for round five?"

"Do you think we could take a break from all the sex and just get to know each other? Maybe go to breakfast or something?" I reluctantly asked. He looked a bit shocked at the question and replied.

"Why? We are just casual sex, nothing more." I threw on my resting bitch face and looked at Brendon.

"How do think that makes me feel Brendon? I know you already see me as a cheap stripper! I know i'm just your rebound ok? No need to make me feel shittier about myself!" I was basically yelling at him at this point. Brendon seemed quiet from my outburst and nodded.

"If you want to do that fine, let's go to breakfast." I nodded and went to my room to change out of my sweat pants. I put on a floral crop top and high wasted black jeans. I did my normal everyday makeup and walked to the living room.

"We can go to waffle house or something, lets go." I just stared at Brendon.

"Do I look like some cheap date to you?" I said, throwing as much sass as I could.

"Where would you like to go queen Layla?" He sighed.

"We should go to a nice little cafe and get maybe a nice breakfast sandwich and a coffee or something." He nodded and grabbed the car keys.

~Twenty Minutes Later~

Brendon and I were sitting in the corner of the cafe in a secluded booth sipping our coffee and laughing at each others drunk stories.

"I think the best drunk story is ours. Have you looked in your camera roll? things got intense." I said with a chuckle.

"Actually I have and I wrote a song about it!" He didn't seem to be kidding and I was a little confused.

"You wrote a song about it? That's pretty cool I had no idea you sang."

"Yeah actually i'm in a pretty famous band called Panic! At The Disco." They sounded somewhat familiar but I just couldn't think of anything.

"I sang that one song, the poor grooms bride is a whore?" Then it clicked. I was about sixteen when I first heard it and I knew every word by heart! It was a little to emo for my liking but it was still a great song.

"That was you? That's crazy! You have to let me hear the song you wrote!" He smiled at my excitement and nodded while standing up.

"Let's go to my place, I have a studio there I'll show you the song." He grabbed my hand and led me out of the cafe after putting some money on our table. As soon as we walked out I was blinded by flashes of cameras.

"This is weird I don't usually have paparazzi on me, I'm popular but not that popular." I looked at Brendon very confused. Before I could ask him why they were here one of them shouted out to me.

"Are you the girl who ruined Brendon Urie's engagement?" Before I could think of a rude reply Brendon pulled me away from them and to his car with a mob of them following. As soon as we got in the car I let out a breath.

"I'm sorry about that Layla that never happens." I nodded and looked out the window quietly. I know I ruined his engagement but how could they possibly know?

~Sarah's POV~

I scrolled through Instagram and saw the pictures of Brendon and that slut with headlines of; 'Girl who ended the relationship' and other terrible things which made me smile. I was the one who spilled my drama with Brendon to the magazines and caused this whole thing. I know it was wrong of me but I was cheated on and Brendon fucking deserved what he got. I clicked on the comment section on one of the photos and saw one that really caught my eye.

"I know her!!! She's a stripper lol!!!" Wow. Brendon left me for a cheap, ghetto stripper. Typical men.

~Brendon's POV~

I smiled as Layla listened to don't threaten me with a good time with a few chuckles at parts she remembered happening.

"This is actually pretty good! My taste in music is mainly hip hop and rap but this is awesome!" I smiled at that.

"I'm glad you liked it! Our album is almost done, its called death of a bachelor." She tried to stifle and giggle.

"That's kinda ironic, y'know? The whole Sarah thing?" I glared at her with a small grin on my face. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, carrying her out of the studio and a few steps towards the pool.

"BRENDON NO!" But before she could say anything else I was throwing her in the water. I was laughing until I realized she wasn't coming back up. I cursed and quickly dove in to get her. I swam to her body on the pool floor and pulled her to the surface.

"Shit! Layla wake up!" I was panicking at this point and shaking her body gently in my arms. Her eyes slowly opened and she chuckled.

"Got you." I was so shocked I just stared at her while she laughed.

"Layla what the hell! You scared the shit out of me!" I tried to be angry but I was smiling a bit.

"That was the point!" She finally calmed down from laughing and was now looking in my eyes. Both of us were holding each other close, soaking wet in my pool. Our lips connected gently like two puzzle pieces and they moved together perfectly. When She pulled away we were both smiling.

"See? Things are nice when you aren't just having sex 24/7!" I chuckled at that and pulled her in for another kiss.

A/N: kinda just a filler/make up chapter so here ya go


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