Halloween Party

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Isabella's POV:

"Mum, what about this one?" I asked as I picked up a minion costume.

"It's perfect Izzy. Ruby have you found one yet?" Mum asked coming up behind Ruby.

"Batgirl!" Ruby said happily.

"Okay let's go girls." Me and Ruby grabbed our costumes and followed mum to the cashier. We paid for the costumes and headed to a Starbucks. Me, Ruby and mum all got hot chocolates and we sat down at a window seat.

"Oh my gosh! It's Perrie and her daughter!" Two teenage girls came over squealing.

"Hi girls." Mum said smiling.

"Can we get a photo?" One of them asked.

"Sure, Ruby could you take it?" I asked and Ruby nodded. One of the girls handed Ruby her phone and we posed with them. Ruby took the photo and handed the phone back to the girl.

"Thanks so much!" They said before running off.

"Let's head home. All these screaming girls are giving me a headache." Mum said picking up her purse. I feel for her, we've been approached by about 15 girls today. We got up and headed outside to the truck.

2 days later...

"Girls! Get your costumes on! We're leaving soon!" I got me and Ruby's costumes out and handed Ruby's to her. I put mine on and smiled. It was perfect.

"Izzy, what do you think?" I turned around a gasped.

"It's perfect Ruby!" I grabbed Ruby's hand and we walked out to the living room.

"Ready girls?" We nodded, and mum handed us our bags for candy. We went downstairs and started walking towards the suburban area of our neighbourhood. Me and Ruby ran up to the first house we saw and yelled

"Trick or treat!" A lady dressed up as a hippy opened the door with a smile on her face.

"Aren't you two adorable!" The lady gave us a handful of candy each.

"Thank you!" We said in unison before heading to the next house.

Later that night...

"Okay girls, we will go through your candy after. We have a party to go to!" Mum said grabbing a cup of coffee. We went back downstairs and got into a limo. It's kind of formal, but there's going to be a bunch of celebrities at the party. A few minutes later we arrived at a huge venue. We walked down the red carpet holding hands (mum holding me and Ruby's hands) and smiled as paparazzi took photos of us. We went inside and was greeted by the boys.

"You're finally here! I have some people that want to meet you girls!" Uncle Harry said. He grabbed our hands and led us to a group of girls.

"Lucy!" Harry called out.

"Hey Harry, are these the girls?" Oh my god. It's Lucy Hale, from Pretty Little Liars!

"You're Lucy Hale!" Ruby said before I could.

"Yes I am! Are you girls fans?"

"Huge fans!" I said smiling.

"Hey do you mind if I steal them from you Harry?" Uncle Harry shook his head and walked away. "Do you girls want to meet the rest of the crew?"

"Yeah!" Me and Ruby said in excitement.

A few hours later...

Sadly, me and Ruby had to leave the party with mum. But we got to meet the whole cast of Pretty Little Liars, Selena Gomez, the cast of Grown ups, The Wanted, and The Vamps. We even got their phone numbers! When we got home, me and Ruby instantly fell asleep on the couch. I had a dream about Pretty Little Liars and Grown Ups being merged together. So weird!

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