Social Worker and Recovery

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Perrie's POV:

"I would like to inform you that Isabella is doing just fine! The surgery went smoothly and she should be able to leave in about 1-2 weeks. We would let her go sooner but we need to make sure that the tumour is gone for sure. Would you like to go see her?"

"Yes please!" I was overjoyed to hear that Isabella made it through the surgery, the only thing that I'm not to proud about is having to shave her hair off. It was either one patch of hair shaved off or all of it. She chose all of it, but I'm just glad she's okay.

"Babe, you okay?"

"Just fine, c'mon let's go see Bella." Me and Zayn walked down the hallway hand in hand towards Isabella's room. I opened the door to see an unfamiliar face sitting across from Isabella. "Who are you?" I asked the lady.

"Oh hello, my name is Carrie. I'm Isabella's social worker." Carrie came and shook Zayn's hand then sat back down.

"You're not taking her away are you?"

"Of course not! I just came to say hello to Isabella, and she was just telling me how much she loves you guys." I sighed in relief and walked over to Isabella.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" I kissed Isabella on her forehead and studied her expression.

"Fine, it feels all surreal."

"What does sweetie?"

"The tumour, surgery, my hair." Isabella said running her hand along the side of her head.

"I believe you Izzy... Do you want to see the others? Tell them the news?"

"Yeah!" I helped Isabella off her hospital bed and held her hand as her other held onto her IV.

Isabella's POV:

I held mum's hand and grabbed onto my IV pole. We started walking down the hallway, and when we turned the corner everyone's facial expressions changed.

"Oh my gosh." Auntie Leigh-Anne's hand covered her mouth as she stared at me in surprise.

"Izzy, thank god you're okay." Auntie Jade came up and gave me a hug followed by the rest of my aunties and uncles.

"PICTURE TIME!" Uncle Louis yelled. "Hey! Can you take a picture of us?!" Uncle Louis handed his phone to one of the nurses and she took a picture of all 12 of us. She handed his phone back and I walked over to him and snatched his phone out of his hands. "Izzy!"

"Hey hey hey. Watch it uncle Louis." I sent the picture to my phone, and went on uncle Louis's twitter.

@Louis_Tomlinson: I love Isabella so much! She's the best ever! ❤️💜 haha keep your phone away from me uncle Louis! -Izzy

"ELLIE! GET MY PHONE PLEASE!" Uncle Louis pleaded down on one knee at auntie El. She laughed and walked over to me.

"Here you go auntie El." I said handing her the phone.

"Catch Louis." Auntie El threw uncle Louis's phone at him and he surprisingly caught it. I really love my family.

"Isabella!" I whipped my head up and saw the two people I didn't ever want to see again.

"Someone call security!" One of the nurses yelled. Uncle Liam pulled out his phone and called the police. I slowly backed up, dreading it because I tripped over the IV pole. Auntie Danielle caught me and held me close to her, auntie Jade came over along with auntie Eleanor and sat with me behind one of the desks. We listened to the sounds of my old parents yelling and screaming at the others, oh god where's mum? I pulled out of auntie Danielle's grip and stood up still holding onto the IV pole. I walked out from behind the desk and saw the police running in, and mum on the ground holding her stomach crying in pain. Dad was next to her comforting her and yelling for a doctor. I slowly walked over to her, ignoring everyone yelling at me to get back behind the desk.

"M-m-mum?" Mum looked up at me, you could see the pain in her eyes. "You're bleeding." Mum looked down and yelped in pain. Dad gave me a worried look and I ran off to find a doctor. I ran into one in the hall and I grabbed his arm. "My mum needs help! She's bleeding!"

"Show me where." I walked/ran back into the waiting room to see my old parents in handcuffs and mum still on the floor. The doctor ran over to mum and I looked at the police officers. One in particular caught my eye.

"Lori?" I asked, walking towards the police officer.

"Is that really you Isabella? My god I haven't seen you in forever!"I ran and gave Lori a hug ((if you for some reason don't remember who Lori is, she's the police officer who found Isabella in the closet when she was 1.)) "I'm sorry Isabella, but I've got to go. We'll keep in touch okay?"

"Oh kay." I nodded and turned around. All I want is for everything to be okay, no more drama, no more fights. Is that too much to ask for?


Hey, last update tonight! I love you guys so much! Thank you for reading my story! I've gotten 35 reads since I've posted this story! 😊

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