Babies and More Babies

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Isabella's POV:

We are waiting to hear the good news. I'm so excited! It's been about 4 hours since we brought mum to the hospital.

"Auntie Jadey?" I said looking at her.

"Yeah Izzy?"

"I'm really excited."

"Me too baby girl." Auntie Jade laughed and pulled me into a side hug. Dad came into the hospital waiting room smiling. We all stood up.

"Come on Isabella, Ruby." Me and Ruby got up and followed dad into the hospital room. Mum was sitting on the hospital bed holding a little baby boy wrapped in a blue blanket.

"Meet your little brother, Hunter." Mum said smiling. We walked over to mum and looked down at Hunter. He had light brown eyes and dark brown hair. He looked a lot like dad.

"Hi Hunter." I said as he grabbed my finger. He looked up at me and Ruby.

"Family picture!" A nurse exclaimed. Dad handed her his phone and we huddled around mum and Hunter. "Say baby Hunter!"

"Baby Hunter!" We all said, trying to contain our laughter. We are one weird family.

"Would you like me to send in the others?"

"Yes please." Mum said. The nurse nodded and left the room. A few minutes later, everyone came piling into the room. "Auntie's first!"

"Yay!" Auntie Danielle exclaimed while running over. Mum handed auntie Danielle Hunter and I watched as she cooed little words to him. After everyone held Hunter, uncle Niall passed Hunter to me. I cradled him in my arms as mum called attention to everyone.

"Okay, so everyone has been asking about the god parent stuff. And I've made up my mind. It's not based on favourites or anything like that." Everyone nodded their heads as mum continued. "Ruby's god parents are Harry and Leigh-Anne. Isabella's are Jade and Niall. And Hunter's are Eleanor and Louis."

"You made a good choice." Danielle said smiling while holding Liam's hand.

"I knew you would be busy with yo-"

"Perrie!" Auntie Dani whispered/yelled.

"Whoops." Mum said covering her mouth.

"I guess it's time to tell everyone anyways." Auntie Dani sighed.

"We're having a baby together." Uncle Liam said pulling auntie Danielle into a side hug.

"I knew it!" Auntie El said jumping up and down. Auntie Danielle gave Eleanor a confused look and auntie Eleanor ran over. She pulled back auntie Danielle's sweater exposing her stomach. I didn't even notice! Auntie Danielle baby bump is noticeable!

"It's because I'm having twins." Auntie Danielle said. Uncle Liam left the room and everyone looked at auntie Danielle. "Liam!" Auntie Eleanor grabbed auntie Danielle's arm pulling her back.

"Give him some time Dani. He needs time."

Perrie's POV:

"Izzy baby, can you hand me Hunter?" Isabella nodded and brought Hunter to me. I held him in my arms and watched as he slept peacefully. I brought him closer and placed a kiss on his forehead. "I love you baby boy."


I lied... 😔

Whoops. Well I said there is going to be 50 chapters in the first book. There is actually probably going to be 2 more chapters. But I'm working on the sequel now!

Ily so much for reading! (Ps: I'm gonna write a prologue)



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