Costume Planning

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Perrie's POV:

I was so glad that Isabella asked to have a sleepover. She seemed lonely, but now with Ruby she's back to her happy self. Her birthday is coming up soon, same with Halloween. Shoot! Halloween is in 2 days, I'm going to have to take her shopping.

"Hi baby, it's your mummy. I want you to know that I love you very much." I whispered while rubbing my stomach. I turned off my lamp and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning...

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I sat up and stretched my arms out. I got up and put on my robe, and walked into the kitchen. I saw Ruby and Isabella making breakfast, so I sat down at the table. They still hadn't known I was up until I sneezed.

"Mum!" Isabella half whispered half yelled.

"Sorry Izzy, I smelt food. Why are you guys making breakfast?"

"It was Ruby's idea, you guys deserve it." Isabella smiled and Ruby blushed.

"Well it smells delicious girls." I said while getting up and walking into the living room. I picked up a pillow and threw it at Zayn who was half way off the couch. It hit him in the face and he stumbled off the couch with a thump.

"Gdndbdnmn." He grumbled. "God damn Perrie."

"Wakey wakeey!" I said laughing.

"FOOD!" Niall jumped up and ran into the kitchen. One minute he was asleep, then he was up... Just like that. Zayn fell asleep on the ground and I shook my head in disappointment. How is he going to get up to take care of this baby in the middle of the night when he can't even get up to feed himself? I walked into the kitchen and was handed a plate of food. Niall tried taking a piece of bacon but I slapped his hand.

"I need food for the baby Niall. Get your damn own." I said, sitting down at the table. I finished my breakfast in about 5 minutes then went to wake up the rest of the guys since they had yet to wake up and Niall was eating their food. I picked up 4 pillows and threw one at each of them. Louis karate chopped the pillow across the room, Liam groaned and walked into the bathroom, Harry sat up rubbing his eyes and Zayn got up and laid down on the couch.

"Zayn Javaad Malik, get your butt off the damn couch and get some food. I'm not doing this myself, how am I supposed to rely on you for when the baby comes if you can't even get any food for yourself?" I stormed out of the room and went to take a shower. After my shower I put on a pink/purple/blue floral tank top with white sweats and headed back into the kitchen to see everyone at the table, including Zayn.

"Good morning Perrie." They all mumbled while stuffing their faces with food. I sat down next to Liam and Zayn as the girls sat down across from us.

"So what do you girls want to be for halloween?"

"A minion, that would be so cool!" Isabella exclaimed.

"I don't think my parents will buy me one." Ruby said looking down at her lap.

"Why not?!" Harry asked standing up from the table.

"Sit down Harry." I said and he sat down.

"Because they don't like me." Ruby said, tears forming in her eyes.

"Since when?" Harry asked.

"They never have Harry, they only made it look like they did when people were around."

"Are you serious? Ruby you are coming to live with me." Harry stated from his spot at the table.


"No buts Ruby, what do they do to you?" Harry said rubbing his temples.

"T-they hit me, and sometimes don't feed me if I don't do what they say." Ruby said, tears now rolling down her cheeks. Harry burst up from his side of the table and ran over to Ruby, engulfing her in a hug. After some comforting words, everyone was done eating.

"Hey how about we go costume shopping?" Ruby and Isabella ran to get dressed and I chuckled.

Isabella's POV:

"Hey how about we go costume shopping?" Mum said, lightening the mood. Me and Ruby exchanged glances and ran to get dressed. I had never thought that Ruby's parents couldn't have not liked her. I'm glad that uncle Harry is going to keep her safe. I took a quick shower, then let Ruby take one. I chose a plaid orange/pink shirt with a belt around the waist, cute blue jean capris and orange flats with a bow on them. Ruby came out of the bathroom wearing a black long sleeve tribal print shirt and dark grey jeans. I handed her a pair of black flats and she put them on.
"Thanks Isabella, for everything."

"Anytime Ruby, we're like sisters in my mind."



Oh yeah! I'm caught up with you @Rachel_CampbellXx

Sorry this is kind of a short chapter! 😋 another chappy will be up later today!

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