Chapter 15: Mood Change

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Twenty-one minutes, fifteen slow walks around the room living , and multiple 'It's okay,  he didn't mean it'  had passed by, yet Jace was still crying.  William was doing his best to claim Jace down. He continued rubbing Jace's back as the boy cried onto his shoulder. He heard a smug laugh from Seth, who was on the couch.  During Jace's  twenty-one-minute cry fest, Seth managed to go into the wine cellar, pour himself  four large glasses of blood red wine,  and sit a crossed the couch as he played on his phone.   

William stood across from the couch where  Seth was playing on his phone. He cleared his throat, getting Seth's attention. He leaned over and whispered something in Jace's ear as he glared at Seth. Jace immediately stopped crying and wiped his eyes.  "O-oh, I didn't know that.." Jace said softly as he looked up at William.  William set the boy on his feet and smiled. "Now, you can go sleep in Masters bed tonight." Jace nodded and walked over to the bedroom, shooting  Seth a glared.

Seth,  with a cocked eyebrow, moved his body so he faced William. William was sporting a devilish smile on his face as he looked at his master.

  "How did you get it to stop crying?" Seth asked as he leaned back on the couch.

Williams demonic smile twitched  as he heard Seth refer to Jace as it.  "First, it has a name.  You should know that due to the fact that he started crying because you got his name wrong and a friendly reminder, his name is Jace." William said, keeping a smile on his face. 

 Seth kept his eyebrow cocked as a smug grin started to appear on his face. "Is your master detecting sass in your voice?"

William chuckled slightly as he smiled at Seth, " My apologies for the sass, Master." William gave a little bow. 

"Anyways, I can't tell you what I told him.  It's our little secret," William winked and continued," Now , I must  go and get to sleep, I left the soup in the fridge, just microwave it if you're hungry." He said as he began to walk out of the room.

"William, " Seth said as he stood up, turning around towards William. "Don't wake me up tomorrow and into work and tell them I taking a day off. I am going to be up late tonight." Seth had a devilish grin on his face, almost like Williams from earlier. 

"Yes, Sir" William said. 

Just as he was in the doorway, Seth stopped him once more. 

"And William,"

"Yes, Master?"

Seth walked over to William, loosing his tie before he stopping right in front of him.

"Stay out of the house til 2pm tomorrow and don't  come in matter how much of Jace's screaming you hear. Got It?" Seth chuckled and began walking towards his room.

"Yes, Master," William grinned as he walked out of the house, turning off the lights.


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