Chapter Three: Dazed and Confused

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"Bloody hell!" Lucifer groaned as he watched the fifth Lorelai he had tracked down on his list, exit her apartment. This one, a woman who seemed to be as old as time, hobbled out of her LA home wearing a bright pink sun hat and pale blue shawl. Lucifer rolled his eyes, driving past and moving to his next address. Although he hated that he hadnt found her right away, Lucifer had to admit that the chase did draw him in some; made his nerves tingle at the prospect of finally finding her. The hunt, he thought. He turned the corner of a city street, the sun starting to fall beneath the horizon. He idly glanced at people on the streets, sneering at some of the filthier mortals.

He sighed, stopping at an empty red light as he waited for it to change. Although he didnt know how long it would take to hunt down the mysterious Lorelai, Lucifer had no intention of giving up. He glanced around again, his hands resting on the steering wheel. It was then that he saw her, brown curls bouncing slightly as she walked down the street. Lorelai walked, takeout bag in hand, at a brisk pace. His mouth dropped slightly at the sight of her, his eyes narrowing as his signature smirk spread across his features. Well, well, well the devil cant be that lucky can he? Lorelai continued to walk down the street and without a second thought Lucifer stepped on the gas and ran the red light, following her to the UCLA dorms.

* * *

I sighed as I unlocked the door to my room, throwing my key into the small dish on the coffee table. Our dorm room was small, there were the two bedrooms and a small common room with a couch and tv. Jade had left for her date before I had gone out. I had ran to get dinner, stopping by my favourite veal sandwich place and picking up my usual. The walk home was quiet, I watched the sun set, letting my mind drift idly as I enjoyed the view. I didnt know what I planned on doing that night, although Id probably just watch a movie and check my email.

I flopped down on the couch, grabbing the remote and turning the tv on. A popular sitcom came on and I watched for a few minutes, laughing as the jokes rolled across the screen. It was quiet, peaceful, just the way I liked things. When Jade was home she usually either blared her music or talked my ear off, making quiet time a rarity. I took the sandwich out of the brown takeout bag, unwrapping it and placing it on the coffee table before getting up to grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge.

I had just pulled one out when there was a knock on the door. I tucked some hair behind my ear, looking down at my worn clothes. Crap, my eyes took in my grey sweats and barely there, faded white t-shirt,  guess theyre gonna see me in my lazy clothes, I thought before finally answering the door. I pulled it open and gasped as my eyes met the dark ones of Lucifer Morningstar. He stood with his hands in his suit pockets, smiling down at me. "Hello, love." My mouth fell open and I stared wide eyed at him, feeling that darkness within me open up, growing hungry as my eyes ate in the gorgeous man before me.

"H-how, how did you-"

"Find you? Well just a little formal police work. May I come in?" He asked, waiting patiently as I tried to pull myself together. No! My mind screamed, dont let him in! But I found myself nodding and stepping back to let him in. He walked in, looking around at the small space. My eyes could only follow him, drinking in the way he walked, the way he moved. My body seemed to shift to auto mode, closing the door and turning to face him without my brain telling me to do so. He turned to face me, his eyes sweeping over me and I was suddenly embarrassed at the old clothes I had on. His eyes met mine and I couldnt speak, only stare back in awe and fear.

I looked away, breaking our gaze and finally finding my voice. "What are you doing here?"

"Well isnt it obvious, darling? Ive come to see you?" Me? I thought, completely shocked. "Me? Why?" I dared to peek up at him and found an amused look upon his face. "Well lets see, maybe because you ran out on me at Lux last night and I wasnt done with you yet."

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