Chapter Eight: Dark Haze

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I spun around, eyes wide as I broke free of Lucifers grasp. Excitement and shock tore through me as I processed that he was actually here, in my workplace. When I faced him however I was taken aback at the sight of him. He still wore the same three piece suit from this morning, but in his hand was a long red stemmed rose, his eyes watching me with such warmth that I couldnt help but smile softly. "For you," he offered it to me. I took it from him, raising it to my nose and inhaling the sweet scent. I hummed and met his eyes, watching a triumphant smile spread across his features. "Thank you, its beautiful."

"Only as beautiful as the one who wields it." I grinned biting my lip. "Well thank you again," I said, leaning up on my tip toes to peck his cheek softly. When I pulled away I noticed a look pass through his eyes, something I couldnt identify. He blinked, however and it disappeared all too soon. "What are you doing here? How did you even find me?" I asked. Lucifer grinned, placing his hands in his pockets. "I told you I would be upping the ante, love. My stalking capabilites are quite profound." I giggled, causing him to grin wider. "That sound is delightful," he murmured, leaning down to catch my lips with his own. I moaned softly, kissing him briefly before pulling away. "Lucifer, Im at work." I scolded. I couldnt help but smile though as I shook my head slightly. I stepped back, walking back towards the counter and around it, putting my rose underneath the counter. He followed, staying on the other side.

It was then that I noticed Becca staring, wide eyed and open mouthed, her gaze moving between Lucifer and myself. I blushed slightly, cleaing my throat to catch her attention. "Um Bec, this is-uh, Lucifer. Lucifer this is Becca." Lucifer offered his hand, that charming smile of his at the ready as she slowly shook it. "Lucifer Morningstar, lovely to meet you."

"Likewise," Becca whispered, her eyes glued to him. She looked at me, eyes filled with questions. I gave her a sheepish smile, not knowing how else to respond. Becca glanced back at Lucifer, resolve firming up in her gaze. She straightened her shoulders and cleared her throat before speaking. "So, are you Lorelai's new boyfriend?"

"Becca!" I exclaimed. She glanced at me as I stood there shocked. Considering I didnt even know what my intentions were with Lucifer it was safe to assume that calling him my boyfriend was out of the question. Lucifer, however, surprised me again in answering. "Well hopefully, but that depends on if she doesnt kick me to the curb or not." I couldnt believe my ears. Am I hearing this right? I stared open mouthed at Lucifer, not knowing what to say. Becca however, had no problem in speaking. "Well, we'll see. Lor's too smart to let some asshole into her life. Right, Lor?" Becca's gaze found mine. I knew how enticng Lucifer could be and was surpised at how well she seemed to be holding herself. That being said I felt like a fool in that moment. I nodded, trying to pull my voice out of myself. "Right."

Lucifer chuckled, leaning against the counter. "Well in that casec Ill be on my best behaviour. Whats good to drink here?" He gestured to the menu with his chin, meeting my gaze. Becca moved away from the register, putting up her hands in the all yours kind of way. I moved in front of it, looking up at him. "Well if you want just regular coffee thats good, any of the fancier things are fine as well. If youre not too fond of sweet, Id stay away from the specialty drinks though." Lucifer watched me carefully, his eyes narrowing as he made his decision. "I believe a latte will be sufficient, the ones with the hipster art on top if you can manage that." I chuckled, nodding as I punched it in. "Yes, I can manage that."

"Splendid, how much do I owe you?" I looked up, giving him a warm smile. "Nothing, its on the house." Lucifer grinned, tilting his head slightly. "I guess it pays to be not-sleeping with the local barista then, doesnt it?" He winked before heading over to a table. I chuckled softly and shook my head before setting out to make his coffee. As I did, of course I was bombarded with questions from Becca. "Okay, start at the beginning and dont leave anything out. Who is that magnificent creature!?"

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