Chapter Twelve: Interruptions

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When Lucifer awoke he was alone and confused. Where am I? He was used to waking up in strange places with no recollection of how he got there, but what was strange to him was being alone. That rarely, if ever, happened. He sat up, his body becoming more alert and finally memories of the previous night came back to him. He was in Lorelai's room. But where was Lorelai? He rubbed his face with his hands, shaking off the last remnants of sleep from his system. He looked around her room, taking it all in. There was soft yellow paint of the walls, ivory drapes over the one window. A desk sat beneath that window and to the left of that was a vanity. She had a double bed set in the middle, her small closet on the opposite side of the room, along with a small nightstand. Her room looked well lived in, but clean and Lucifer gathered its hominess feel almost instantly. He stretched out, climbing out of the bed and grabbing his briefs off the floor, yanking them on.

He moved out of the room, opening up the door and looking into the common area. The familiar smell of bacon wafted over him and he turned to see Lorelai with her back to him, cooking in their makeshift kitchen. She still wore his navy blue dress shirt, now rumpled from sleep. He smirked, leaning against the door jam to watch her. She moved efficiently, making as little noise as possible. He let his eyes roam over her body, taking in her rear, just barely covered by his shirt. She had picked up a bowl, grabbing the whisk that was on the opposite counter when she finally realized he was there. She yelped and her wide eyes met his.

He smiled with amusement, "good morning, love." She put the bowl and whisk down on the counter, wiping her hands off with a tea towel hanging on cupboard door. "No, no, no get back in bed." She came over to him, turning him around and lightly pushing him back into her room. Lucifer chuckled and let her push him back down into bed the bed. Amusement ran through him as she tucked him back in. When she finally did look back at him a small smile tugged at her lips. "What?" She asked. He reached out pulling her to him to kiss her sweetly. He felt her smile against his lips and pull back. "Good morning," she murmured, "Im making you breakfast in bed. But that requires you to stay in bed." There was a faint smirk on her face as she teasingly scolded him.

"Well, I guess I can make an exception. For you," he watched her green eyes melt slightly and leaned over to peck her lips again. "Im nearly done," she promised, moving back and walking out of the room. Lucifer leaned back, sighing. No one had made him breakfast in bed before, no one that he wanted that is. Sure he had had women who had tried, but usually Lucifer quickly dismissed them, leaving promptly. No, Lorelai going to this trouble made that warm, unfamiliar feeling inside of him come back. He touched his chest idly, wondering if it could be some sickness or what not. He doubted so but decided to ask Dr. Linda about it during their next session.

True to her word, Lorelai returned a few moments later with a tray. Lucifer sat up straighter as she came over and laid the tray down on the bed. He took in the trays contents, noting the scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. She moved out of the room again, returning with two mugs of coffee. "Not as good as the Mud House's but," she shrugged, "its got caffeine so I figure thats good enough."Lucifer took a mug from her while she crawled onto the bed, sitting cross legged off to the side of him. She handed him a plate and grabbed one herself. "I-I hope you like it," that nervous edge overtook her tone. Although Lucifer found it endearing at times he didnt like it when it reflected things about herself.

Lorelai was very intelligent and talented, her doubting her skills had Lucifer frowning. He shook his head, "nonsense. I already know Ill enjoy it very much." She relaxed, giving him a timid smile before beginning to eat. True to his word, he did enjoy it. Although it is hard to ruin scrambled eggs and bacon, he thought. He watched Lorelai, noting how she held her coffee cup and how she ate. Everything she did interested him and he loved to see how her body moved. "What?" She asked, pulling him from his thoughts. He hadnt realized she had seen him gawking at her and quickly put on that smirk of his he knew women like. "Just enjoying the view."

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