Chapter Nine: Dont Stop

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"I cant do this," I whispered, panic lacing my voice. My eyes searched his, their black depths pulling me in. His exclaimation had made my blood run cold, shocking me into alertness. I led him on. Hes upset. What do I do!? I thought panicked.

But nothing could have prepared me for what actually happened. Instead of the accusatory glare I thought Id receive Lucifer's eyes softened slightly. "Do you want us to slow down?" He murmured. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out, my shock freezing my mind. "I," I inhaled, searching his eyes for some form of malice but finding none. "Yes, please." He nodded, hooded gaze sweeping down my body. His fingers trailed over my stomach, causing tingles to run straight to my sex. "Can I take off your dress?"

Hes asking permission, I thought. I was stunned again and yet found myself nodding, giving him the silent go ahead. He got on his knees, grabbing the bottom of my dress in his hands before slowly peeling it up my body. I raised my hips, arching my back up off the bed to assist as he pulled it up and over my head. Lucifer threw it to the floor where his clothes lay and sat back on his knees, taking me in. I blushed, I was wearing a navy bra and lace panties. They matched the dress and wouldve stayed hidden beneath its tight material. Now, I felt completely exposed under his heated gaze. I bit my lip, my eyes grazing over his naked chest. His muscles and broad shoulders were slightly defined, but not enough to seem forced by countless hours at the gym.

I licked my lips, god hes good looking. He leaned over me, pressing teasing kisses beneath my ear and down my throat. "You tell me when you want me to stop, okay love?" My eyes had fluttered closed, my nerves sparking back to life as he touched me. "Yes-yes," I stammered. I felt his hand reach out, lightly tracing up my thigh and past my hip. He caressed over my stomach, stopping as he reached my breast. He watched me as he slowly squeezed, massaging it over my bra. I bit my lip, as a shiver ran down my spine. Lucifer moved, straddling my waist. He leaned over me so our faces were inches apart, his warm breath blowing in my face. "I want to worship your body, Lorelai." He started. I nearly moaned at his words as they sent a delicious tingle right to my libido. "However," I felt my heart sink slightly, my inner freak disappointed at his words, "you need to tell me when to stop. We wont have sex, but I want to see how far youre willing to go. Understand?" He watched me with careful, patient eyes and I nodded my head. "Yes, sir."

Lucifers eyes widened slightly and he smirked, shaking his head. He leaned down and kissed me gently before I felt his hand slide down my stomach and over my panties. My breath caught in my throat as he slowly started to rub over them. I shivered, kissing him harder and wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulled his lips from mine, moving them to my neck. He kissed and sucked, biting every now and then. All the while slipping his hands beneath the lacy fabric and touching my bare sex. I moaned and he froze, "this okay, love?"

"Yes," my words came out in a whispered breath and with my consent he continued, moving his fingers to slowly circle my clit. I groaned, somewhere inside of me something that I had kept hidden away came out. I needed his hands to go faster, needed his touch to be everywhere. "Lucifer!" I gasped as he brought me to a whole other level. I groaned, I needed more. My body couldnt stand being slowly led down this sultry, pleasurable path. It wanted more, needed more. Suddenly, his hand disappeared and my eyes shot open. I raised my head to see him shift on the bed, grabing my ankle and lifting it. He met my gaze with one so dark and heated I felt as if I might combust right there. He started placing kisses up my inner leg, slowly working his way until he came to my inner thigh. Then right as he was about to meet my middle, he moved down to the other leg.

His sensual torture was slow but for some reason that dark part of myself loved it. The anticipation was wreaking havoc on my body and mind and it felt as if my brain was scattered. Finally as he finished kissing up my other leg, Lucifer gripped my panties and pulled them off, throwing them to the floor. He watched me for a moment before moving his hand over me again. I groaned and finally he pushed his fingers inside of me. My back arched up off the bed as he stretched me and I closed my eyes tightly. "Ah!" It was what I needed, that extra touch that my body craved. He started slowly moving his fingers in and out of me and I knew soon that it would be over. I moaned and he increased his pace, his other hand rubbing my clit. "Lucifer, please!" I begged, tilting my hips up to meet his thrusting fingers. His movements were jerkey and quick, causing my insides to tighten.

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