Chapter Twenty Five: Inseparable

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The next few weeks Lucifer and I became inseparable. When we werent together, were texting or calling, emailing each other even. Something had shifted between us and once again I was startled to realize how quickly and deeply I had fallen for this man.

When I wasnt in class or working, we were together, going out, staying in. He took me everywhere, to exclusive party scenes around LA, to five star restaurants where the Chef always seemed to know him. We went to jazz lounges and more formal events. It was spectacular. My wardrobe alone had grown, increasing as he lavishly purchased me clothes more suitable for our outings. I had complained at first, feeling cheap at the thought of him buying me things because we were sleeping together, but he reassured me that it wasnt like that at all. Explaining that my wardrobe was not as stocked for the kind of evenings he had planned for us, he was right of course, and was able to convince me that his gifts were just that, gifts.

On the days we stayed in, however, we rarely strayed far from the bedroom. Clothes seemed to be optional as well, both of us choosing to stay wrapped in our robes or me in his shirts. We made love numerous times a day, in various places around his penthouse and yet we never grew exhausted of one another. Well, I made love at least, Lucifer hadnt indicated any inclination of how he felt, although he told me constantly how much my presence affected him. I could see he cared for me, but felt I was unable to express to him that I loved him, the fear of him leaving ingrained too deep.

So I held my tongue and let him show me what I had been missing from my life. During all this time however, we grew closer still and learned a lot about one another it seemed. He opened up some, telling me more about his time in heaven, more about his siblings and parents. I was intrigued when he told me about his mother and her brief time on earth. I was also fascinated to learn and finally meet Amenadiel. His elusive brother had dropped by one day and Lucifer graciously introduced us. Amenadiel had seemed at a loss for words, but after recovering from his initial shock, seemed to take to me.

He had a kind soul, it seemed, and although I could see he had a dark streak running through him, I was surprised at how, well, normal he seemed for an angel.

My friends and coworkers, and Lucifers as well for that matter, came to expect the two of us wherever we went. If one was to be there, the other would surely follow. Lucifer had made several appearances on campus, earning admiring looks from my peers and even a few teachers. Jade had finally come around, beginning to trust him once she saw how well he was treating me. I was glad, finally relaxing at the thought that the two most important people in my life could be civil. In turn, I had also grown closer to his friends as well. Ella was easy to do so, making an effort to always include me in her plans, but it was Chloe I was more shocked about.

After the attack, her general outlook on me had changed drastically. The cold attitude I received from our first encounter was gone, replaced by a friendly outlook that resonated deeply. We bonded and got along quite well. I was ecstatic over gaining a few more friends, more so when Linda joined the bunch. I had seen her a few more times over the following weeks and she had been insightful on how to cope with everything that had happened; the revelations of divinity, the attack and even my feelings for Lucifer. She was sympathetic and I felt as if she wished sometimes to smack him upside the head and demand to admit how he felt about me.

My training with Maze had continued as well and I was actually getting rather good. We trained nearly everyday and with each session I could feel myself grow stronger and more knowledgeable. I was nowhere near her standards, but at least now I could hold my own in a fight. Not for very long, but at least long enough to send my attacker down and buy me some time to run away. It was through these sessions that Maze had eased up on me too, her snark lessening and guard slowly coming down. Her friendship was another surprising thing to acquire. Surprising also to find out that she was already friends with the rest of the women. It was nice, having a group of girlfriends so big and I felt filled with joy. Lucifer had inadvertently given me so much.

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