Chapter Fourteen: Lustful Antics

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I yawned, bringing my steaming cup of coffee to my lips and sipping it slowly. My laptop was open in front of me and I worked diligently in taking notes, but exhaustion kept making that harder than it needed to be. I sat in another auditorium of the school, listening to my professor as he droned on about children's literature. Usually, I was enthralled in all my classes, but today, not so much. I was so tired, having gotten very little sleep this week because of Lucifer. Not that I minded spending time with him, but I was crashing hard. And as a usual caffeine addict, even I could say that I had drank a lot today.

A ping interrupted my thoughts and I saw that a message had appeared on my laptop. I muted the computer, seeing a message from Jade.

You got home late last night, what were you and that devil up to? ;D

I smirked, responding back quickly.

Not as much as you think. We just kind of hung out, it was nice

After a few moments her response came in.

Nice? Lor, relationships are supposed to be more than nice. They should be passionate, hot, sexy!!!

I rolled my eyes, I hadnt filled her in yet about our latest development but wasnt about to do so over the messaging system.

Trust me, theres heat. And by the looks of it a lot more than you and your fuck buddy last night ;) :O

I snickered and waited. The guy last night didnt look like Michael, however I wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt him. Jade wasnt notorious for her monogamy.

Bitch please! Trey and I couldve burned the apartment down!

I thought about how Lucifer always claimed he was the devil and all the Hell references he made and doubted that anyone could get hotter than that.

Lets just remember that my boyfriend apparently came from the depths of hell...whose hotter now? ;)

I bit my lip and waited, earning a response quickly.

Touché girl! Lmfao!

I shook my head, closing the program and returning to my notes. But after a few moments I found myself nodding off. I sighed, slugging back more coffee. At this rate ill be running to the bathroom all day, I internally grumbled. I picked up my phone, scrolling through my notifications from various social media accounts. I opened up my texts, responding to one from my mom. I stopped when I noticed a thread from Lucifer, deciding to message him.

Good morning, hope you slept well

I added a smiling blushing emoji to the end, putting my cell phone on my desk face down. A few minutes later it chimed. "Shit," I cursed, the girl sitting next to me smirking slightly as I rushed to turn the sound off.

Hello, love. I would have slept better if you were with me

My heart pounded and a butterflies bloomed up in my stomach. He had been awfully romantic the last little while and I hoped that was something that would stay.

Next time, I promise ;)

Even though his response came in quick, it seemed like forever.

Are you in class right now?

I sighed, glancing up to see my prof had only moved a few slides ahead.

Yes, im dreadfully bored...could use a distraction ;)

I hesitated before pressing send, wondering if I should initiate this dangerous game of his. After a moment I thought, fuck it, and hit send.

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