Chapter Eighteen: Dance the Night Away

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A few minutes later, I headed downstairs, holding my dress up as I walked down the grand staircase. The cool night air whisked across my forehead, cooling me down so I was at a comfortable temperature again. I headed back to the table, sitting down next to Lucifer. Rhian met my eyes and gave me a knowing wink and I blushed a deep red. No one mentioned our absence, the only notion that anyone knew of it was the suggestive wink from Rhian.

Dinner continued and when we had finally finished eating, it was announced that the silent auction would now be open, guests were encourage to bid their highest and to bid on everything. I frowned, realizing too late that I couldnt really bid on anything, I didnt have money. Lucifer, sensing my mood swing, tilted my chin up. "Consider your bids paid for," he murmured. I shook my head, "I couldnt ask that of you," I insisted. Lucifer only shook his head, giving me a stern look. "Dont, Lorelai. Bid on whatever you'd like. Besides, all these donations can be used as a tax right off, so whos really the winner here?" he gave me his signature smirk and I sighed, my shoulders slumping. "Alright, if you insist."

"I do." He leaned forward to kiss my forehead and I smiled shyly. We went over to the items and I was astounded to see the items up for bid. A weekend in the Hamptons at a luxury resort, a brand new boat, a new car, a condo in New York City. The items all seemed more and more lavish than the rest and I found myself hesitant to even place a bid. I wrote down small bids on a few cards, knowing I would surely be outbid. The very last item up for auction was a gold necklace from the early 1920s. It was a delicate gold chain with a small stone piece hanging from it. The stone was an emerald, small diamonds encompassed it, twinkling in the evening light. Something about this particular piece caught my eye and I put a slightly higher bid on it, stupidly hoping I would win.

"Ladies and gentleman!" The emcee boomed over the microphone. "The dance floor is now open!" I looked around, realizing Lucifer was nowhere in sight. I sighed, I need to find him. My eyes traveled around the crowded yard, finally spotting him at the bar where he was talking to a young lithe figure all in black. I frowned, his posture was stiff and hers was all too friendly. I headed over there, hearing the tail end of their conversation as I approached. "Thats never stopped you before," she purred, placing a suggestive hand on his arm. "Mandy, I told you-" his voice was set in a low menacing tone and I was all too happy to interrupt.

"Honey! There you are!" Lucifer's head snapped over to me, wonder and relief dancing in his eyes. The woman, Mandy apparently, pulled her hand back. I strode up to Lucifer, wrapping an arm around his waist and letting my free hand roam up and down his chest. "I believe you were supposed to meet me somewhere," I said, my tone pitched too high with a suggestive edge, "but you were taking too long so I came to collect you myself." Lucifer looked amused and immediately played along. "I apologize, love, I was interrupted by Ms. Petra." My gaze slid over to hers, almost as if I had forgot she was there. I looked her up and down, her tight black dress accentuating every curve she had. When our gazes met, her was cold and unruly. I gave her the fakest smile I could muster. "Hi! Im Lorelai, Lucifers fiance!"

She looked taken aback, her eyes wide as if I had just slapped her. "Fiance? He didnt mention that before when-"

"Well considering it just happened Im sure he didnt," I chuckled, pulling my gaze from hers to his. He looked down at me incredulous with a smile. "Hes so sweet," I went on, glancing back at her before staring as lovingly as I could at him. "He just popped the question during dinner! And well, I couldnt say no." I leaned up to peck his cheek. "Isnt that right, love?" I asked him. His eyes were filled with in credulousness and pride. "Of course, I cant wait to make you mine," he murmured. I smiled back at Mandy, feeling Lucifer watching me. Her eyes were narrowed as she looked between the two of us. There was such venom in her gaze that I nearly faltered in my act, nearly. Her dark eyes met mine. "Well, I see. I guess I should be going then." She turned on her heel, stalking away and I playfully called out. "Bye bye, Mandy! It was so nice to meet you!" My voice was so sickeningly sweet I nearly gagged. As soon as she was out of ear shot, I exhaled, turning back to Lucifer.

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