Chapter Six: Foot Fetish

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"I thought you were joking when you said you were going to stay here!" I exclaimed as I stared wide eyed as Lucifer splayed out on my bed, clutching my towel tightly. After a few more minutes of light conversation I had gotten out of bed, stating that I needed to get cleaned up and take a shower. "Oh a shower, well Ive already had one but I guess I can suffer through another one." Lucifer had smirked at me. I looked over my shoulder, eyes narrowed. "Fortunately its a communal bathroom. No men allowed, sorry."

"Oh communal! Thats something Ive never tried before." His smirk grew as I walked across my small room to retrieve my toiletry bag, shaking my head. "Really? Thats a shocker." I said, bending over and picking my stuff up. I looked over at him as I stood up and found him watching my behind. His eyes met mine and he chuckled, "thanks for the show, darling." I had rolled my eyes, iliciting another chuckle from him. "Well if I cant join you, Ill just wait for you right here." He had said, leaning back on my bed with his hands behind his head. I had simply laughed and left, but now was startled to find him still there, watching me appreciatively as I wore nothing but a skimpy towel. "Whatever made you think that, darling? Im always good on my word."

"Apparently," I whispered, closing the door and stepping into the room. I was hyperly aware of his eyes following me around the room as I walked over to my dressar. I inhaled deeply, desperately trying to calm my nerves. There was nothing but the thin layer of fabric standing between me and the man behind me and that thought alone had me weak in the knees. I opened my dressar drawer and stopped as my eyes took in my bras and panties. Crap, I thought. I turned around, meeting Lucifers gaze. "I cant exactly get dressed with you gawking at me, so would you mind..." I gestured to the door with my free hand. Lucifer looked from me to the door and then back again. "Well of course you can, love, youre just choosing not too."

Lucifer stood up, getting off the bed and walking towards me. His eyes ran up and down my body and as he got closer my breath hitched in my throat as I backed up. I could feel the open drawer press into my back as Lucifer got close to me. We stood inches apart, his chest lightly brushing against my towel as I looked up at him with wide eyes. I couldnt breathe, his presence both scared and excited me. His eyes searched mine and I watched as he seemed to lull something over in his mind before finally deciding. He exhaled loudly and nodded, stepping back. "Ill wait for you outside," he murmured. I watched him leave and exhaled in relief as the door closed.

I shook my head and turned to my clothes, letting the towel slip from my shoulders and fall to the floor. I pawed through my drawer, pulling out a black bra and slipping it on. I bit my lip as I pulled out my matching black panties, tugging them on. I glanced at myself in my full length mirror, blushing at the thoght of Lucifer's eyes on me like this. I let my mind wander to thoughts of him walking in on me, placing his hands on my bare skin. My lips turned up in a small exuberent smile and I shook my head, banishing the thought. Nothing good will come of that, I thought.

A few minutes later I emerged, fully dressed, to find Lucifer flipping through some papers on my coffee table, My eyes widened and I dashed across the room to snatch them out of his hands. "What are you doing!?" I gasped, looking up at him with wide, anxious eyes. His eyes narrowed, "looking through your work, its fantastic, love."

"You-you cant look at that!" My breathing picked up as I quickly moved to gather the rest of my story. "Why not?"

"Its private Lucifer! I dont let anyone read my work until its finished and this-this is not finished." I clutched the papers to my chest like a lifeline. I hadnt let anyone read my stuff ever, not unless it was absolutely necessary. I couldnt handle the judgement I knew some people had when they read my work. I had to make sure my work was perfect before anyone read it and to have someone read a rough draft was my worst nightmare. "I dont know what you consider finished but that definately seemed finished to me," he said. I bit my lip, shaking my head and wandering over to my room to toss the stack of papers on my bed. "Its not and Id appreciate it if you didnt rumage through my things again." I said, closing the door before turning to him. Lucifer got up off the couch, nodding and putting his hands in his pockets. "Alright, darling. Ill behave, at a price." He smirked, his eyes darkening slightly.

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