Chapter Thirteen: Affection and Trepidation

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"Hello? Anyone here?" I called, walking through the eerily quiet Lux. I had driven over right away, parking my vespa in the back again. Now, walking through the empty club I got chills. It was weird being somewhere where there was usually so much life, I could hear the echoes of party goers, the throngs of people moving around. Now the silence was deafening and I hurried my way over to the elevator. Stepping in I hit the penthouse button. I hope hes there...I thought. I hadnt bothered to call, figuring he had shown up at my place plenty of times unannounced so I could do the same. The elevator reached his floor, the doors opening up to the massive space.

I stepped in hesitantly, looking around carefully. "Lucifer?" I waited a moment, not hearing a response. "Are you here? Its Lorelai," still getting no response I walked around, running my hand along the piano as I walked by. The apartment was quiet and my shoulders slumped, he wasnt here. "Great, now what?" I muttered. I looked around, my eyes landing on the couch. I guess I could wait for him...I pursed my lips. Should I wait? I again thought about how he had shown up to my place without a call, when he had watched me while I was sleeping. Surely this would be fine? Just sitting in the quiet and getting some work done? I sighed, making my decision and sitting down. The leather was like butter underneath my fingertips and I couldnt help but trail my hands over the material longingly. I opened up my messenger bag, pulling out my glasses and laptop. I put my glasses on and opened up my computer, opening up the files I had been working on previously. Starting up my music, jazz again, I set to work.

Writing and rewriting was something I had grown so accustomed to that sometimes I would fall into this pit, my creativity and senses focused on nothing other than the words in front of me. Sometimes hours would go by without my notice, realization finally dawning on me when my body would protest some bodily function it needed to survive and I would be broken from my revere. Now, as my hands flew across the keyboard, I could feel myself slipping into that state.

Im not sure how much time passed when I was finally startled out of it. "Lorelai?" The sound of my name made me jump and I turned to see Lucifer standing a few feet away, a surprised look on his face. How long has he been there? I didnt even hear the elevator. "Hi," I smiled sheepishly, turning so that I faced him. "I-I hope you dont mind, I kinda needed to get out of my apartment and, well, I thought Id come here." Lucifer watched me, his hands in his pockets as he slowly made his way over. I couldnt read his expression so hurried on. "And well, you werent here so I thought I would just wait for you." He sat across from me on the coffee table, eyes shining. "How long have you been here?" He asked, expression still unreadabe. I glanced at my phone and gasped slightly, "three hours."

"Three hours?" He asked startled. I cringed, nodding. This was bad, where did the time go? Finally, Lucifer chuckled, shaking his head and I began to relax. "Well, it was a lovely surprise seeing you here, I just wish I hadnt kept you waiting so long." I sighed, relieved. "Honestly I dont know where the time went, I was so caught up in my work that it just slipped by me." He smiled softly, reaching out to run a finger down my cheek. "I like your glasses," he murmured, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Very sexy librarian." I chuckled and leaned forward, pecking his lips quickly. "Hi," I murmured. He smirked, "hello, love."

"How was work, dear?" I said ironically, my lips quirking up slightly. I saw amusement pass through his eyes as he moved to sit next to me, pulling me into his side and wrapping his arms around me. He sighed as I leaned my head back and I felt him relax against me. "Better not turn that leaf over, love." He muttered. I glanced up at him and saw a frown on his lips, his brows pulled together in thought. I reached up, running my hand lightly across his cheek, instantly pulling him from his dark thoughts. He turned to gaze at me and any form of agitation vanished. "Sorry I brought it up," I murmured, turning back and leaning into him again. "Not your fault, Lorelai. Its not important," he sighed and I felt him shift beneath me, sitting up straighter, "how was your day?"

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