Chapter Four: Wining and Dining

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I tugged on my dress slightly as I made my way down the stairs at Lux. For the second time I found myself looking around in awe. This place seemed different now as I walked with a purpose. The other night had left me shaken to my core, my emotions all over the place. I had been so confused about the entire interaction between myself and Lucifer, yet also so satisfied. That unexplored part of myself was so ready to find him tonight and see where the night went, yet I was certain about what my more rational side wanted. I knew that sleeping with this man was out of the question-for now. I had told Jade about Lucifer coming over and she had been over the moon excited for me. "Atta girl, Lor!" she had said, helping me to get ready before her own date with Michael.

So here I stood, looking around Lux in search of the supposed devil. I still wasnt convinced that he was the real deal, religious or not, there were just too many things that didnt add up. And although I found myself doubting what had to be true, that he was not in fact the devil, I couldnt rationalize what he had said without proof. My eyes wandered until I finally spotted him sitting at the bar, speaking with the bartender. I made my way over to him, inhaling deeply to calm my nerves. My hair tumbled down my back in its mass of curls, while I wore minimal makeup and the same dress and heels from two nights ago. "It suits you." Lucifer's words whispered through my mind as I thought about my dress, a light blush filling my cheeks as I thought about how close he had been. I bit my lip as I made my way through the crowd, finally reaching him and placing my hand on his arm. He turned around and when his eyes landed on mine he smiled.

"Lorelai, hello!" I smiled softly and pulled my hand away as his eyes roamed over me. "Hi," I said shyly as my eyes took in his back suit and white dress shirt, the top unbuttoned just enough to get a peak at his chest. I raised my eyes to meet his and blushed as I realized he saw me checking him out. "You like what you see, darling?" I blushed and tore my gaze away from his, stepping back slightly as he stood up. "Come on, lets get you upstairs."

"Upstairs?" I asked as Lucifer reached out to take my hand in his. My hand was a lot smaller than his, but it fit nicely in his warm palm. A slight burst of electricity ran up my arm as his thumb traced slow circles on the back of my hand. "Yes, to my penthouse." Penthouse? I thought. So hes tall, dark, handsome and rich? My inner demon seemed to smirk. Lucifer pulled me over to an elevator where he pushed a button that opened the doors. "Ladies first" he gestured and I smiled slightly and headed in, thanking him on the way. Lucifer stepped in next to me and pushed another button that closed the doors and left us in the small space.

The atmosphere changed as I was suddenly very aware of our proximity to each other and looked up at the tall man. I bit my lip as his scent seemed to fill the elevator, awakening that dark part of myself. His hand brushed against mine and I looked down at it, that small touch igniting a dark flame within me. Images flashed in my mind of him pressing me up against the elevator wall, my legs around his waist, his lips locked with mine. Calm down, Lor, I thought, trying to shake the naughty images from my mind. Its just a date. You can do this. The elevator dinged then and the doors opened. I inhaled deeply, my head clearing as I was able to see the vast space before me. Curiosity got the best of me and I walked out of the elevator, my eyes widening and jaw dropping slightly at the room before me. "Wow," I breathed. I heard Lucifer's deep chuckle from close behind me. "You like it?" My eyes couldnt decide what to stay focused on; they took in everything. The massive sectional that took up space in the massive living space, the sleek piano that stood opposite the wall length bar. I turned and took in the wall of books, seemingly leading into a study.

"Yes," I said finally, turning to smile at Lucifer. He chuckled and walked forward, grabbing my arm. "Then youll love the view." He led me out onto the immense balcony. I glanced at the steam rising from the inground hot tub before I regarded the view. The moon cast a soft glow onto the city, lights glowing in the darkened night. I walked from Lucifers touch and layed my hands atop the balconys ledge, looking over the side. "I wouldnt suggest jumping, love, its a steep fall." I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Its beautiful out here, just perfect." I turned to face him, only to see Lucifer had moved and now stood next to a small table, aglow with the light of a candle. Two covered trays sat upon the black surface, while Lucifer stood behind a tucked out chair.

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