Chapter Twenty Two: Reassurances

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His elbow had pressed into one of my ribs and suddenly stars danced before my eyes as pain shocked my system. "Lorelai!?" Lucifer jerked back, moving himself off of me as tears sprung to my eyes. "Bloody hell, I am so sorry, love." I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut, waiting as the pain slowly faded away to a subtle throb. I opened my eyes and found his gaze, filled with contempt. "Its okay, Im okay." I reassured him. He didnt buy it though, frowning. "You need more pain medication." He pressed the nurses call button and I sighed. "I dont want to go back to sleep," I pouted. The corners of Lucifers mouth twitched at my pout. "Im sure they can give you something non-drowsy, love."

"I hope so." I didnt want to go back to sleep. Now that I was awake, I had all these questions for Lucifer; about him, about the case. A nurse came in shortly after and Lucifer explained the pain medication situation, as if I couldnt speak for myself. The nurse understood, however, and gave me two pills that wouldnt put me to sleep. I knocked them back, waiting for them to take affect. Lucifer sat on the side of the bed, one leg pulled up to rest on top of it. "So," I started, "are you gonna tell me about the case? And the victims?" Lucifer frowned, opening his mouth as if to decline but I raised a hand, effectively cutting him off. "Dont even think about not answering, you owe me an explanation." My hard tone and face must have done the trick because he sighed.

"Three people have been killed, the first was an employee of mine, the second a woman I had a sexual relationship with and third an ex sub of mine." I rose my brows at his confession and he gave me a wry smirk. "Come now, darling, you cant be an expert in something if you havent tried  all the techniques."I blushed, a stupefied smile tugging at my lips."Im not saying anything, Im just not surprised is all."

"Oh? Whys that?"

"Because every time I call you 'sir' I can see the thrill run through your eyes." He gave me a wicked grin, shaking his head with a chuckle. "I didnt realize I was so easy to read,"

"I just seem to know you well," I teased, "besides, now that youve confirmed my theories it means that maybe..." I trailed off, hoping my silence would speak for me. Lucifer got the hint and that devilish smirk of his made my heart stutter. "My, my, insatiable arent you? One taste and Ive got you practically begging for more." I grinned, but we were getting off track. "Not that we'll be doing much in the sack, until further notice." His abrupt switch started me. "What? Why not?"

He rose his brows and gestured to me with one of his hands. "If you hadnt noticed, love, youre a bit delicate at the moment." I frowned, he was right of course. My ribs alone were cause enough to stay away from anything too physical. Didnt mean I couldnt pout over it though. Again I realized we had deviated from my line of questioning, so I went back to it. "So this killer is targeting people who are close to you, theyre clearly obsessed with you. Do you now any exes of yours that could stoop to this level?" Lucifer pondered my question, surprising me instead of answering back with a smart ass quip. He shook his head, though, and I sighed. "I guess this means we're back at square one with nothing." Lucifer leaned forward, grabbing my hands.

"Try not to worry, we'll find them." I gave him a small smile. "Now," he stared, "I realize that you might have some...questions for me?" He averted his gaze and I tugged on his hand. He looked back to me and moved so he was sitting next to me. Carefully, he wrapped an arm around me and I leaned into him."Your eyes," I started, "can I see them again?" I looked up at him and he looked startled. He thought for a moment, lulling it over before I saw his eyes glow a brilliant shade of crimson. He stared down at me, unmoving, and I caressed his face softly. I felt as if I could see directly into his soul, the red warming my insides. "Arent you scared?" he whispered. I shook my head, watching as the glow slowly faded away. "No, should I be?"

"Most people are," he began, scratching his chin. I shrugged, "theyre just your eyes, baby. If anything, it makes you look kind of badass." That put a small smile on his face. "Really?" I nodded, grinning and he chuckled, giving me a chaste kiss. "As always, darling, you stupefy me."

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