Chapter Sixteen: Cinderella

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When Chloe had told Lucifer that another body had popped up, his immediate thought was that they might be able to find something leading them to their killer. What he had not expected was the horror of who the next victim was.

"Marie Sinclair, age 26. She was found by one of her neighbors early this morning. It seems as though the killer got to her before she even made it up the front walk." Ella said, eyes looking from Lucifer to Chloe. "She was killed in exactly the same way, strangled and then stabbed thirteen times."

"Any prints or DNA found on the body?" Chloe asked. Ella sighed, shaking her head. "Nothing, whoever's doing this is smart. See over there," Ella pointed to the front door of the apartment complex. "She was killed just out of the line of sight of the security camera. Im putting the time of death at around three in the morning, so no eyewitnesses either."

"Damn it," Chloe muttered, finally glancing up at Lucifer. Her brows furrowed and her body shifted as she instantly went on alert. "Lucifer? Whats wrong?" Lucifer couldnt answer, he could only stare at the body of poor Marie. No! He internally growled. "I know her," his voice came out dripping with venom and Ella stepped back slightly, caught off guard. "What?" Chloe asked, glancing between him and Marie. "You know the victim?"

"Yes, we used to have quite the partnership, her and I," he struggled to contain his anger. It was apparent now that this was a direct attack against him. Someone was coming after him. "Partnership?" Ella asked. He looked at her and gave her a wry grin, "we used to sleep together, Miss Lopez." Ella made an 'O' with her lips, nodding and glancing back at the body.

"Okay so theres our connection, both victims knew you. Do you know of any other reason why they would have been attacked?" Chloe, in full professional mode as per usual, stared up at him. Lucifer shook his head, "someones sending me a message, detective. Theyre coming after me."

"Lucifer, dont be ridiculous. If someone wanted to come after you they wouldnt target an ex." Chloe said. He shook his head, no, she wrong. This is personal. He turned away from the body, walking back to his car. "Lucifer! Where are you going!?" Chloe called. He glanced back over his shoulder, "to call reinforcements!" He got into his car, speeding away. There was one person he could trust for help, one person that he knew could find any scumbag on the face of this earth.

He was going to find Mazikeen.

* * *

"Maze!" Lucifer called, walking into Lux. His right hand demon turned barkeep/bounty hunter was somewhere around Lux. She popped up from behind the bar, arms crossed over her chest. "What?"

"I need you to do something for me," he stopped in front of the bar, laying his hands on it as he looked at the demon. "Theres someone out there killing people that know me. I need you to find out who and why."

Maze laughed, "why should I do you a favor?" Lucifer ground his teeth together. Ever since Lorelai had come into the picture things between him and Maze had been rocky. He didnt think telling her it would protect him, which would in turn protect Lorelai was such a great idea. Instead, he used what he knew would work best. "Its not a favor, its a business transaction. Ill pay you." That surprised her, instantly dropping her snark, her face alight. "Seriously? Youll pay me?"

"Double your usual price for a bounty," he smirked. Money wasnt a concern for Lucifer, he had tons of it and he knew when its worth increased, particularly when it favored him. "Done," she said. "But Lucifer, if you even think about-"

He raised his hands, shaking his head and interrupting her. "Scouts honor, Mazie." He grinned and headed towards the elevator. "Just keep me in the loop!" He called before stepping in. As the doors slid closed and the metal contraption raised him, he let his mind move onto other things. Like buying a dress for Lorelai. He had ordered a variety of gowns last night and they had been delivered earlier, now he hoped he had at least one she liked. When he arrived at his penthouse they were on a rolling rack, hanging neatly in see through garment bags. He leafed through them quickly, there was a red one he knew she'd look fantastic in but it screamed harlot, which his Lorelai was not.

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