Peridot x reader

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So at first I did this just for fun but then I was like: 'oh shit this is better than I originally thought' so yeh it's my first one shot POSTED. I have another one, I think, but that ain't ready anytime soon. Onto the story!

As your principal repeated the code word for a lockdown, you immediately went into hiding, along with all of your class mates. Never in your life did you think you were going to witness an actual lockdown. Never. And you weren't praying for it either. This was more stressful than you though. But, you didn't actually hear any gunshots, and the hallways seemed so empty so you were 100% sure that the intruder wasn't in the second floor yet. And without guns, they couldn't really harm anyone, or open any door. Even if they had some kind of knife, they couldn't possibly break down a door with it. So, naturally, you were confused as of why there actually was a lockdown. The police could have easily helped you out. Everyone in your class seemed to flip out over this, not using any logic at all to figure out the slim chances of death.

People were moving around nervously, shaking, shivering, but yet, managed to make no sound, until the guy next to you moved over and sat up again, wrapping his arms around his legs, and one of yours too. Angered, you moved away, loudly whispering "Hey! That limb's mine, not yours! Got it?" After realizing how mean you sounded, you quickly apologized in a  whisper, seeing as how your teacher was giving you 'the look'. (A/N ya gotta know 'the look'...) Not even a minute after your small fuss, a knock was heard at your door, with a slightly high-pitched –probably a girl's voice–ordering, "Come out! I know you humans are hiding in there!" Everyone flinched, and some started shaking even more, while some of the girls had their lower lip quivering.  "All I need is your... Cooperation, and all will be done." She stated. "And if you lowly beings won't willingly cooperate, I guess I will need to take one of you by force."

By now, people were definitely frightened. Whoever that was, she were out of her mind. Just by how she spoke, it was obvious something wasn't right. Maybe she's been hit in the head, or has some kind of mental illness.  "I see you chose force over will." There was a short pause, "I can work with that, I guess." After that, loud noises could be heard. They weren't knocks or anything. It sounded awfully strange. No device, or tool in your country could make that sound, you were sure of it. But, as much as you know from sci-fi, it sounded like a laser, maybe? ...Scratch the 'sure of it' part. You were clueless. You got pulled away from your train of thoughts when cold, almost metallic hands –No, maybe only fingers?– grabbed your arm and roughly pulled you up. You must have been spacing out, since everyone in your class seemed to disappear. They probably all ran away. Shaken, you looked up to your aggressor, meeting dark green, seemingly inhuman eyes.

"Will you, or will you not collaborate, human?" The thing asked, gripping your arm even tighter. You didn't answer, though. You were too taken back by this 'alien's appearance. 'She' had light green skin, and light yellow hair, –almost white– forming a triangle on top of her head. Her eyes were covered by a see-through, light green mask. Her body... Well, it kinda had a human shape, but her forearms and legs had a robotic appearance. Her hands didn't even have palms, they were just fingers hovering where they should be. She seemed a bit taller than you, but it was probably the metal extensions she had as arms and legs. Taking all of this in, you forgot to actually give her a reply. Annoyed by your lack of words, the stranger gave out an angered sigh. "You stupid creature! Can't you just obey your superiors? Urgh...I suppose I'll have to drag you back." You were about to complain, but she violently threw you on the ground, grabbing your legs and effortlessly dragging you out of your classroom and into the hallway, walking to the nearest exit. You were complaining, trying to fight back, but she payed no attention, aside from the occasional 'shut up's that would escape her mouth every now and then.

After getting outside, the alien seemed to be sick of your screaming, and knocked you out with that metallic arm of hers.

"Ow... My head hurts... What the heck happened?" You questioned, looking around, analyzing your surroundings. Obviously, you weren't in your bed. And this 'place' surely didn't seem to belong to human society. The designs and architecture were too... Advanced. "She took me in her base!" You said in a panicked tone, getting up. A loud jingle was heard soon after, making you spin on your heels, finally noticing the chains that were attached to your ankles. "She got me locked up in this room... God damn it!" You exclaimed. Sitting back down, you pouted, which was not quite the thing you should be doing when you got abducted by a surprisingly pretty alien. 'Wait, pretty?' You thought to yourself, confused. Slightly rolling your eyes, you added, 'I can't lie and say she isn't a bit attractive...' And it was true. She did seem a bit attractive to you, but you shouldn't feel that way when she's the one to kidnap you, and maybe be running some gross experiments on your body!

Lost in your thoughts, you failed to hear the door of your 'room' open, and then close. ...More like appear then disappear...The alien stood there, waiting for you to notice her presence. "Ahem," she started, trying to gain your attention. Quickly, your head jerked in her direction, with a slight blush on your face. "I see you have finally awoken," she said, stating the obvious. This time though, she seemed to be a bit more... Awkward, maybe? Well, she didn't seem as confident as when she first kidnapped you. "I, uh.... I have kidnapped you for a reason. So don't think I'll free you any time soon, you little brat!" She exclaimed. "I... Needed... 'Assistance' seeing as my last... 'Partner' is lost, in the ocean with some stupid Lapis Lazuli." She said, crossing her arms and her eyes darting around the room. You looked at her, confused. "...what?" You asked, clearly not getting any of this. It seemed that your lack of awareness slightly angered her, seeing as her facial expression changed. 'Maybe she has anger issues,' you concluded. "What I'm saying, is that I need you to tell me information about this planet." She muttered through her teeth. "Oh! Uh... Not any illegal stuff, right?" You asked. You mentally slapped yourself for asking such a dumb question. 'Of course it was going to be illegal stuff! This thing probably wants to destroy Earth!' You thought. Looking back at the alien, it nodded, starting your very first interrogatory.

A few days, wait maybe weeks? Passed since you woke up in this 'Gem' base. You had learned a lot of stuff, according to your new 'friend', of whom you never knew the name. During the first hours, she learned that you were a very loyal and trustable person, and freed you from your chains. After all, it wasn't like you could escape, since she explained that this 'base' was far from human society, and even if you did find the 'exit', it took a being like her, a 'gem' to actually escape this place. So, you accepted the fact that you were stuck here, and dealt with it. She had also explained what had happened to her 'partner', –who you now knew as Jasper– in more details and why she couldn't just fly away back to her 'homeworld'. The last thing she explained to you was what 'Gems' are. It was pretty vague, but you got the main idea. And by that you meant why they were named after some rare rocks.

*time skip brought to you by... Who else? Me. *
"Why can't you just tell me your name?" You asked once again. "Because! I don't want scum like you to know! You don't DESERVE to know my name!" She insisted. The insults didn't really matter anymore. She's been doing this since you arrived here, so words won't actually hurt you, but God did you want to know her name. You couldn't just look at the gem on her forehead and know what type it was! You never studied rocks in school, since you never knew that one day, you'd get kidnapped by one.  "Oh my..!" Faking a gasp, you clutched the place where your heart was. The alien fully faced you, alarmed by how you reacted. "Your words..! They hurt me..." You said, overreacting. Her expression lightened, seemingly happy to have such an effect on your mood. "Really?" She said, with hope in her voice. "Hah! Take that, you clod! You're nothing but garbage to me!" She added, with an overconfident tone. "Does that hurt you even more?" She asked. You looked at her with a neutral expression. "No, you dumbass. Words don't freaking hurt me." She gasped, "But you looked genuinely pained!" "I was overreacting." You simply said. "Now, tell me your name, god damn it! I want to know!" You screamed. "No! Only people who I really trust can know!" She said, running away from you. "I THOUGHT YOU DID TRUST ME!" You replied. Before she closed the door, she answered. "NOT ENOUGH, YET!" You sighed, annoyed by her childish behaviour.


After remembering that scene, which happened a few days ago, you wondered what more you had to do to get her to fully trust you. As your 'friend' came inside the room you were currently sitting in, this time, you actually did notice her. You noticed she was... Different. Your alien wasn't usually shy, and calm. She was more loud, and always overflowing with energy, or some kind of childish hatred. After sending so much time with her, you were now also 100% sure that she had anger problems. But this, this wasn't her. Getting up, you gave her a questioning look. "Is everything alright?" You said, worry obviously showing in your voice and on your face. She looked up at you, and stated. "Peridot." Confused, you waited a bit. Since she wasn't answering, you added, "Peridot who...? Did this 'Peridot' do something to you?" She took a step closer, exaggerating her arm movements. "No! You stupid..! I..!- urgh-Peridot's my name!" She exclaimed. You brightly smiled. Knowing her name made you feel happier than you thought you would be. Giggling, you replied. "Well, Peridot, my name's (Y/N)." Peridot violently blushed and rushed out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts again.

A/N: 'violently blushed'? Dafuq's wrong with that even something you can say?! Anyways, bam. Done.

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