Making Pearl Angry

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A/N: so I found this remix of Pearl's theme on SoundCloud and it's fuckin amazing so I decided to make this weird... Platonic thing, for once? I suppose.
Go search up the song it's really worth it trust me. It's called "Pearl's Theme (Hausman Remix)"

"Hey guys!" You screamed, nearly kicking the door down and walking inside with what seemed like a computer and a small, Bluetooth speaker.

Steven, of course, greeted you as loudly as you greeted him, and the two of you exchanged a few words. He seemed to be the only one around for now, so the conversations stayed loud, and alive, until he asked the big question.

"Why did you bring your computer and that speaker?"

You smirked, placing both the top notch technology down on the kitchen counter. As you sat down, you clap your hands together once, you took a deep breath, and muttered to yourself "Boi..."

"Well, I had seen that Pearl started to play piano," you started, trying your best not to burst out your true intentions.

"And, well, the song she played was pretty good! So, with the help of my little buddy here," you patted your computer, "I remixed it, into a... Better and more of a (Y/N) style track."

What you truly meant is that you disfigured Pearl's amazing theme, and made it technically your track, by posting it on the web. It was a really good song, you had to admit, but you wanted it to be a hit around the world, and having a classical vibe like that wouldn't bring it as far as you'd want it to go.

Steven looked at you, and could barely contain his excitement. "Can I listen to it?! Pretty please?!?!" He said, bringing his hands together. You chuckled at his seemingly desperate behaviour.

"Yes, but I need Pearl here too. It's her music after all."

As if she had heard you, the gracious gem stepped out of the temple, humming the exact song you... Screwed up.

"Pearl!" Steven exclaimed, running up to her, grabbing her hand and dragging her to your direction.

"What has gotten you so excited now, Steven?" As soon as Pearl's eyes landed on your smirking figure, her smile fell.


"My name's (Y/N), not Oh."

She slightly glared at you, and as if your body had the power to make her go blind, her gaze fell on something that seemed much more interesting. She then asked, "So what kind of trouble have you gotten into today?"

"(Y/N) didn't get in trouble... for once! She made a song!"

You nodded, putting a fake pout on your face. "Yeah, Pearl. How could you misjudge me like that?" She glared at you. "I'm faarr to nice to ever get in trouble" You added, sarcastically.

The annoyed gem rolled her eyes. "Hurry up,"

You replaced your pout with a smug smile, and started explaining her what was going on.

"Well, I heard you play piano, earlier in the week, and I found it... Nice. So, as generous as I am, I made your song go worldwide. Well, I did add a few things here and there, just to make it more... 2016, ya know?"

Pearl gave you a untrusting glance, and Steven sat next to you, completely ready to hear the best thing he'd hear in his life. "Now can you play it?! Pearl's here!" He whined.

Finally agreeing, you opened your computer, typed in the password, and went into soundcloud.  You found the album you placed it in, and clicked on the track. Before you started it, you toyed a bit with the Bluetooth speaker, putting it at an normal volume, and started the song.

*cue the good ass music*

Everything started smoothly, the piano was playing gently, gracefully, and Pearl seemed to like the classical music ambiance going on. She also had a confident and proud look on her face, as if she was saying "I made that music, praise me". Soon, the piano slowed down, and completely stopped. And an almost evil laugh was heard, making the music go back on. The piano was now accompanied to snare drums, bass, and much more. It was glitching in a way that would amplify the beat,  making it even more entertaining. Of course, the melody wasn't the same anymore, giving off an unusual, techno vibe.

To you, you could literally breakdance to the music, although you'd also do a bit of  neck breaking along with it too. So you contained that urge to dance, and when everything was done, you looked up at Pearl, who tried her best to contain her disgust.

"Sooo... How did you like it?" You asked, getting up to close everything.

Before she could say anything, Steven jumped up. "It was amazing! You should send it to Sour Cream! He'll make it famous!" I chuckled.

"Oh, but Pearl's Theme already has over 66k views!" You said, bringing Steven's amazement to the point that his pupils turned into stars.

"66K VIEWS?!?!" You nodded. You were sure that your confident vibe could be felt from miles away. You looked at Pearl, expecting an answer.

"What do you think of it?"

She glared at you. "It's disgraceful! The music keeps glitching, and that bass does not match the piano! The beat doesn't even stay the same for at least ten seconds! I don't understand why people find it so... Interesting." She crossed her arms and walked back to the temple.

"She doesn't seem to like it," Steven said, looking up to you.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious."

He gasped, for a second, you thought you actually hurt him. So, you took the time to look away from Pearl, and down to Steven, fearfully.

"You think I'm a captain?!"

Chuckling, you ruffled his curly, dark brown hair.

"Yeah, you are."

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