No One's POV
"Yeah... A little bit more to the left!" Steven gave Lapis a thumbs up as the gem placed the barn next to his house.
"Perfect! See? This is going to be awesome!" He cheered. "Oh man, the gems'll be so happy! We can be one big family!"
Once the flying gem landed on the sand, Steven hugged her. "Thank you for coming back, Lapis! Peridot'll be so happy!"
"What about (Y/N)?" The blue gem asked, slightly uncomfortable at the mention of her name. She hadn't seen her since... the accident, and the Crystal Gems refused to speak of her.
"Er... (Y/N)..." Steven thought... What could he say? "(Y/N)... Moved away! Yeah... She moved away... After Malachite and all... She went to therapy. I think she's with her parents for a while!"
"Oh..." Lapis looked down. She felt awful for what she had to make (Y/N) endure... "If you ever come in contact with her, can you tell her that I'm sorry and that I-"
"Steven!" Pearl yelled upon seeing the barn so close to the beach. "What did you do to the barn- oh, hello, Lapis! It's lovely to see you back on Earth!"
Pearl dipped her head back in the house to say something and walked out, with a sketchy expression on her face. "So... Mind explaining me what a barn is doing on the beach?"
"I thought Peridot and Lapis could move here! So they'll be closer to us! Like a big family!"
"I like the idea." Lapis added, smiling to herself.
"That's... great, Steven, but did you forget about our guests?" Pearl asked, obviously uncomfortable.
"You know... J-a-s-p-e-r and M-a-l-a-c-h-i-t-e..." Pearl made sure to spell their names so Lapis couldn't understand.
"Oh shoot! Haha, funny thing, Lapis! The barn'll have to go back! I completely forgot about our guests, haha-"
"Pearl, why is (Y/n) behaving so weirdly? She's going three-voice again!" Jasper stuck her head out, looking down at the beach.
Pearl let out a squeak, and Lapis took a few steps back. "Jasper!" They both yelled, both fearful, but for different reasons.
After noticing Lapis Lazuli, Jasper froze. "O-oh... Haha... Fancy seeing you here, Lapis-"
Someone cut Jasper off before she could screw up even more. "What are you doing, idiot! Get your head in! Pearl said Lapis is here and I- WE need to hide!"
"Oh no..." Pearl facepalmed as (Y/N) walked out, "What, is she gone- Oh... haha... Hi, Lapis..."
Your POV
You grabbed Jasper's arm out of reflex as Lapis scanned the scene.
"What's going on?!" She seemed more angry than scared. "Who is she?!" Lapis angrily pointed to you. "Steven, explain! Please!"
While Steven struggled to form words, you walked down the stairs with your lover, and slowly made your way to your old friend, trying not to alarm her.
"T-this is Malachite!" Pearl miserably tried to cover up. "She's a byproduct of your fusion! S-she's not d-dangerous... ha..."
"You're lying. I want to know what's going on!" Lapis yelled once more. "Why is Jasper here?! Why was I not aware of the things you were doing behind my back? Where is actually (Y/N)? Has everything been a lie?!"

Steven Universe One Shots
FanfictionON HIATUS! Ever wished you could have as many adventures as Steven? Because me too.