Peridot x reader x Pearl (part one)

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(Y/N)=Your name
(E/C)=Eye colour

You had already been at Steven's house for the past two summers. It became a tradition for your parents to just send you over there for a week or two, thinking you were spending time with just Steven and Greg, while in reality, you were nearly dying each three days because of magical space creatures.

It didn't bother you as long as you weren't dead, though. It was kind of fun, going on adventures with the gems. Occasionally getting to see fusions, or actually participating in saving the day.

Now, this year, you had been informed by Steven, a few days before you left for Beach City, that there was a new Crystal Gem. He told you a bit about her. From what Steven told you, Peridot was a new gem from Homeworld that had been left on Earth. Although she seems a bit intimidating, she was completely harmless, and would probably get along with you easily.

You were excited to get to know her. She seemed so cool! And you were dying to know more about Homeworld. Days passed, and finally, you arrived at Beach City.

"How are your parents, (Y/N)? Do you even live with them anymore?" Pearl asked, getting your bed –the sofa– ready. Helping her set it up, you answered. "They're going great! They've been improving with jogging, too! And I still have to stay for at least a year, then I can move. According to them."

Pearl got back up, wiping her already clean hands on her sides before looking at you. "Thank you for helping me with the sofa." There was a pause. "How old are you now? I forgot..." She said, slightly blushing. You giggled, "It's okay, even my own brother forgets. I'm 17." 

She nodded, and invited you to the kitchen to chat a bit more. Sitting down on one of the stools, the two of you started a nice little conversation. Everything was okay, and they turned great when Steven entered the house. "(Y/N)!!!" He yelled. The excited half gem ran towards you, greeting you with a bear hug. "I've been waiting for you! I thought you would be in town or something! I brought Peridot with me!"

You heard Pearl chuckle nervously behind you. "Oh, Steven, I'm sure (Y/N) wouldn't find Peridot as interesting as you think... Right (Y/N)? We were having such a nice conversation... I would hate to have to cut it there." She said.

I looked back to her, apologizing. "Sorry, Pearl, but I actually really want to meet Peri..." You said, giving her a small smile, she nodded, and walked into the temple. She seemed more disappointed than you would have thought. But you shrugged the guiltiness off and went with Steven outside, where he said Peridot was waiting.

"I'm sure you'll love her, (Y/N)!" Before he said anything else, he pointed down onto the beach. "She's over there! Look!" Following where his finger was pointing, I noticed a small, green person, simply sitting in the sand.

Running down the stairs with Steven behind me, I loudly greeted her. "Hello!" Peridot sprung up, and turned towards us. I stopped in front of her, and slightly waved. "I'm
(Y/N)! Steven's cousin. You must be Peridot! I'm so glad to finally meet you!" You said, holding back the huge urge to hug her. She looked so cute! She was way smaller than you first imagined her to be, and a lot more... Attractive, actually.

You noticed a green blush appearing on her face. She didn't answer, which kind of surprised you, for some unknown reason. You two stared at each other for a while, waiting for someone to talk.

Steven was the lucky one to end the awkward starring contest. "Okay! Enough starring! We should get inside and play some games so you two could learn to know each other! How about it? We could play truth or dare, tell each other stories, play board games, play hide and seek..." You happily agreed. There was a short pause, and both you and Steven were waiting an answer from Peridot, who seemed to be in a trance of some sorts.

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