A/N: so, in this one you're human, living with Steven because who wouldn't like that?And also this is sort of an apology because I feel like I just detonated an angst bomb... AlsO I thought of this one in swim practice because I like the idea that it's sort of a common interest between the reader and lapis.
ALSO. the distances are in meters bc I dONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT YARDS. Right, to the fanfic, now!
ANOTHER ALSO I didn't double check it because I'm way too tired, so just comment if you see any mistakes or if a sentence or word doesn't make sense! Actually, feel free to comment anything! I love reading the comments!
(Y/N)= Your name
"(Y/N)! There's a letter for you!" Steven yelled, running inside the house.
"Really? From who?" You asked, putting down the banana you were eating. The young boy looked at the envelope, and read every single bit of information on it. "It says it's from 'Coach Sue'..."
"Oh! It must be for the swim meet coming up!" You said, gently taking the letter from Steven's hands. As soon as you were in complete possession of it, his pupils turned from normal circles to stars. Here it comes...
"You swim and you never told us?!" He face palmed, "Man, so THAT's why you've been leaving beach city weekly! You've been training?!" He was really getting excited about this, wasn't he?
Chuckling, you opened the letter and answered him, "yeah, that's what I've been doing. Now, this is for the swim meet in Empire City coming up in a week, so I'll need a drive. Think you and your dad could help me out?"
"WHAT?" He yelled, "OF COURSE! What are you swimming? Are you super fast? Like, do you go 'nyoom!', or more like 'zoooom!'? Can I watch you swim?! Oh man! Lapis would love to watch you! And Peridot too! Wait, can all the gems come? It'll be a family trip!"
You smiled at the mention of 'family'. You always liked thinking of the Crystal Gems as family, "of course, they can all come, but only if your dad's okay with it. He's the driver after all."
Steven put up a reminder in his phone to talk to his father about it, then walked over to you, asking about your events.
"Well, from what Sue's saying, I should have good chances for finals for all of them. She put me in the 200 Free, 100 Free, 400 Free, 50 Fly, oh eeewwww, she put me in the 200 fly!"
"Is that bad?" Steven asked,
"It's very hard, but there's never a lot of people doing it so I always get medals on it. Ah, she also put me in the 200 IM and-" you backed up to the nearest wall, and started sliding down to the floor, a hand on your forehead, "Nooooooooooo........" You groaned.
"What? What's wrong??" Steven asked, sitting down beside you.
"She put me in the 400 IM!" You let out a wail of desperation, sliding down the wall until you ended up laying down on the floor, looking up to the ceiling and a confused Steven.
"What's wrong with that swim?"
"IT'S ABSOLUTE TORTURE!" You screamed, just as Pearl walked out of her room.
"Oh my stars! (Y/N)!" Pearl tripped on her feet a bit, and launched herself forward, dropping on her knees beside you. "What's wrong? Tell me where it hurts, okay? What's torture?" She gripped your face, "stay with us, what ever you do, don't go towards the light!"
You chuckled and took her hands off of you, assuring her that you were absolutely fine.
"(Y/N) was just talking of a swimming event she has next week! Can we go? Please, Pearl! At least for her finals!" He begged, clinging to Pearl's arm.

Steven Universe One Shots
FanfictionON HIATUS! Ever wished you could have as many adventures as Steven? Because me too.