A/N: sorry if Jasper's a bit out of character, I was a bit rushed... BUT! At least it's done! And I didn't double check it so there might be typos and all. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
"I'm sorry we couldn't save her, (Y/N)..." Steven said, as he looked down in shame, "she refused any and all help I could've given her." You nodded, fighting back the tears you felt building up in your eyes, and the heart broken sob that tried to claw its way out from the back of your throat.
"It's okay, I should have expected that. I just didn't expect the c-corruption, that's all. I just thought she'd try to kidnap me again tonight as a revenge, like she always does..." You sat down on the couch, and hid your face from Steven and Amethyst, giving everything you had in you to not cry in front of them. "(Y/N), you can do so much better than her!" The purple quartz sat down next to you, slowly rubbing circles on your back. "I know it's gonna be tough, but I know that deep down, you knew it couldn't work out. There was no way Jasper would have accepted to keep an open mind about the earth."
At that, you bounced up, obviously insulted. "You're wrong. If you guys could have left her alone for just a few more weeks, I could have changed her mind!" Amethyst looked down, and Steven decided to answer for her. "You know that she was building an... Army, right? I..." He closed his eyes and sighed, "Jasper wasn't close to forgiving us, or the Earth."
You felt so angry. It wasn't true, none of it was. Jasper was so close to changing, and for the better! "You guys... You don't know what I know! You haven't seen what I've seen! I was changing her mind! Slowly, but surely! If I had a few more hours with her, a few more days even," you drew in a shaky breath, "everything would have been different!" You yelled, letting grief flow freely through your body.
Ashamed of your outburst, you ran out of the temple, heading back to your home near the boardwalk.
"Do you think what they said was true?" Steven asked. "I hope not," answered Amethyst, "because if it was, I really feel bad for (Y/N) and Jasper." With that, the gem retreated to the temple, and Steven headed to his room.
"How can they say that?" You asked to no one in particular.
It had been a week since Jasper's corruption. A week since you last spoke to the Crystal Gems. A week since you last felt a positive emotion.
"I could have saved her! I could have saved THEM! If only Jasper hadn't been around Steven so much... If I could've kept her far from them... She wouldn't have corrupted..." With that, an idea came to mind. Not bothering with the details to your horrible idea, you glanced at the time.
A green light glowed vaguely from your alarm clock, which was sitting on your night stand. It read 3:00 AM. "Perfect," with that, you headed to the Temple, ready to use your 'abnormalities'.
Stealthily checking inside the house, you presumed that no one was awake, or hanging around inside. After entering as silently as possible, you tiptoed to the temple entrance, praying to all the gods in the universe that no gem would decide to exit the Temple right now. And it seems your prayers had been answered.
Closing your eyes, you focused on the door. Open... Come on... It's urgent... I need the Burning Room... You thought. Upon hearing the sound of the door smoothly sliding open, you opened your eyes, which was a bad idea.
Stumbling back, you shielded your eyes from the bright light emitted by the said room. At least you got the right one. After adjusting to the new light, you quickly entered the room and closed the door behind you. Looking up, you smirked in satisfaction. Half of your plan was working. Now you just need to find her...

Steven Universe One Shots
FanfictionON HIATUS! Ever wished you could have as many adventures as Steven? Because me too.