Pearl ending

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A/N: Sorry, I didn't feel like putting a normal picture.

You glanced between the two, before your gaze landed on Pearl, smiling. "Pearl did ask first," you said, "and I mean... I do return your feelings, in a way."
Pearl smirked, looking down at Peridot, who looked like a toddler having a fit. "What? No! I'm better than a simple Pearl!"

She seemed to continue her nonsense until Steven came and dragged her somewhere, you're pretty sure it was to knock her out or something.

You gave her a gentle smile as she got dragged away and apologized. "I'm sorry, Peridot. I'll see you next summer!"

You headed out with Pearl, where Greg was waiting. The car ride itself was pretty interesting. You and Pearl talked about anything you could, occasionally telling her a few funny moments in your life. In exchange, she told you a load of tales from the rebellion, or about Homeworld before the war. Sadly, the road trip ended. You both got out of the car, and dragged your luggage at your door step.

Greg seemed to like staying in the van, so you waved at him before pressing the doorbell. It didn't even take ten seconds before your mother answered, hugging you as soon as her eyes landed on you. You smiled and awkwardly patted her back. After the awkward bone crushing hug, your father helped you bring in the suitcases. When you stepped back outside, you cleared your throat, and pointed to Pearl, who has been awkwardly standing there the whole time.

"Oh! You must be Steven's babysitter!" Your mother concluded, holding out her hand for Pearl to shake. You giggled, wrapping an arm around Pearl's waist, bringing her close. This seemed to make her blush insanely.

"Actually, mom, she's my girlfriend." That seemed to make Pearl's face turn completely teal, if it already wasn't. Smiling, your mother stepped aside, letting you two walk in.

Pearl took a look at your house, pointing out some details that she found nice, or opinions about decorations. After she saw about everything, you all walked to the living room and sat down.

"So, mom, dad, this is Pearl, and Pearl, these are my parents." You said, hoping to get the conversation going.

There was an awkward silence, and then your father cleared his throat, deciding to ask the very first question of their interrogation.

"Pearl, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you, exactly?"

You noticed that Pearl became a bit nervous, and of course she would, she's older than Earth, probably. How would your parents react to that one? And imagine having to explain her origins, and the fact that she's basically immortal!

Nervously chuckling, she answered with a lie. "I'm soon turning 19."

"My, you look a bit older." Your mother stated.

You felt her knees shake, and her face seemed to get even paler, if possible. She looked at you, hoping you'd help. You laughed, and added. "Well I too always looked older than I actually was."

Your parents nodded, and the interrogation went on. With each and every question, you felt Pearl calm down, until a car honk was heard, probably to say that Greg was tired of waiting.

Getting up, your parents shook Pearl's hand, and you guided her outside.

"You know, I'm sure Steven would be absolutely delighted if you moved to Beach City next year," she started.

You nodding, and pecked her cheek. "That's what I'm planning." A light blush appeared on her flawless face as she slowly made her way to Greg's van.

"I'll call you guys as much as I can!" You exclaimed, waving goodbye and watching the van leave until it completely vanished from sight.

You were going to give your parents a huge bill by using the phone, this year.

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