Pearl x reader (angst warning?) part one

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A/N I'm gonna be careful and put up an angst warning, so yeah. Angst detected. Sound the alarm.

For some of you who don't know:
(G/N)=gem name
(Y/N)=your name

That's how every gem seemed to describe you at first. You never came out as 'normal'. Your creation was an accident, yet a lucky one. Your feelings were as what everyone called 'human'. Your appearance looked humanoid too. But, after a few experiments, you weren't treated as an accident anymore, but as a powerful gem. You had a lot of 'friends' and knew a lot of different gems. Not that you liked all of them, but one 'malfunctioning' gem caught your eye. That, was Pearl. When you first saw her, with some 8 foot tall lady, you couldn't find the right words to describe her. But gosh, she was a gracious one. You got to know her, and you got even more attracted by her personality. She sure was a perfectionist, and you learned with time that she tends to shut people out when ever she couldn't handle her feelings pretty well. But that didn't stop you from trying your very best to cheer her up whenever you needed to. She was worth every second, minute, hour, and day you spent with her. You grew attached to her, but you didn't know if she did the same. To you, she meant everything. You had fallen for her. Hard. It wasn't like you prayed for this, it just happened. You couldn't keep your eyes away from her light blue eyes, her tall, and skinny figure, her sweet, and shy smile. All of her movements were perfect, graceful, gentle, light. And her voice, boy, her voice was a true melody. No matter what. Her singing was pure bliss to your ears, and her laugh was exactly what you lived for. You lived to see her happy, healthy and alive. You loved your life, getting to spend time with Pearl as much as you could, until that Rose Quartz came along.

You never knew why Rose Quartz was such a big deal. You never liked her, anyways. To Pearl, it just seemed as if you feared to betray Homeworld, but truly, jealousy was leading you to the conclusion that Pearl was attached to Rose more than she should. What did Pearl even see in Rose? You always wondered, but you never had the courage to ask Pearl about it. To you, the answer remained a mystery. Not only did you refuse to join your beloved, 'malfunctioning' Pearl, but in the battlefield, since you were a very, very strong gem, you were always assigned to the strongest enemy Gems. Most of the time, you were up against Rose Quartz herself. On your first battle, you took her by surprise. To Rose, she could have never guessed that a small (G/N) like you could contain so much power. Not only that, but instead of having a gem name, like everyone else, you had a different name, which she learned later was (Y/N). Since you were a successful 'accident', they gave you a different name, for some reason. But, while you attacked her, blow after blow, it became evident in your eyes how much hatred you had for this woman. It was like if your only goal in life was to destroy her. After all, she did take Pearl away from you. You could have easily shattered her gem in the first battle, but something stopped you. And in your whole life, you never got over that obstacle.

And that, was Pearl. In each battle, she always took in the final blow that could have easily killed Rose. Every time it occurred, she had been sent back into her gem to regenerate, getting you so shaken up you had to retreat. You could never, ever get the courage it took to just kill her, and end the rebellion by then killing Rose. If you did kill them both, you would probably become one of the most popular gems out there, for shattering THE Rose Quartz. But you couldn't. Even if you could just push Pearl aside, the thought of hurting her gave you immense pain. You didn't want her to think badly of you...You were too emotionally attached to her. So, battle after battle, you retreated at the sight of your beloved Pearl, arriving at the Homeworld base with a different excuse every time. The other Gems began to question your power, or mentality. Why couldn't you kill Rose? Everyone on the battlefield saw how strong you were so why couldn't you? Seeing as you couldn't complete that task, they gave you a new one.

What you were assigned to do was true torture. You had, and was forced to kill Pearl herself. "You are obligated to shatter that malfunctioning Pearl." They kept saying. "If you are not able to do what we ask of you, we will consider shattering you, instead." You couldn't imagine the unbearable pain of killing her. You loved her. Although it would cause you pain, you felt like loving her was worth all the pain there was. But, you knew if you couldn't kill her, you would be killed. After all, the gems you worked with thought that in this world, it was 'kill or be killed'.

Dropping your weapon, you watched as it disappeared. "I... I just can't kill you!" You said, looking up to your enemy. "But you can easily send me back regenerating, so what's the difference?" She asked, confused. "The difference is, that you'll stop existing if I shatter your gem!" You screamed. "Do you know how much pain that would cause me? To know that because of me, you're gone?! I just want this rebellion to be over, so we can go back to how everything used to be! Why do you care so much about Earth?! About HER?!" You continued. Pearl seemed taken aback by the words that escaped your mouth. "Why do you care about Rose so much?! Why can't you just let me kill her? How much does she mean to you?! How much do I mean to YOU?!"
When she took in every and each one of my words, her expression changed from a confused one to an insulted and angered one. "Can't you see?! Homeworld isn't doing any good! What they're doing is wrong! Earth has its inhabitants, too! And each of them has their own will to live! We can't just destroy them like that! Rose made me realize how cruel Homeworld is! Rose is so much more than you think, (Y/N)! Why don't you join us –join me– and you could see for yourself how wrong Homeworld is!"

You gritted your teeth, feeling even more angry than before. Why did she keep talking about Rose? You asked her about how she felt about YOU, too! "Well what if I want to fight for where I came from?! That's logical! Homeworld has done so much for us, why would we want to risk ourselves for some random planet that would probably be better off dead?! I don't CARE about Earth!!" You screamed. You could feel your face getting hot from all the anger bottling up. Pearl was about to say something, but your loud voice cut her gentle one off. "THE ONLY THING I CARE ABOUT IN THIS WORLD IS YOU!" You screeched, with tears brimming in the corner of your eyes. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME BACK WITH ME?! WHY CAN'T WE JUST BE HAPPY, TOGETHER?!" You could hear Pearl take a step towards you, gently, not to get you shaken up even more. "(Y/N)... I never knew that- I... I suppose that... I suppose that I do perhaps return your feelings... Maybe what your saying could..." You looked up, meeting her beautiful blue eyes. They seemed to calm you down instantly. Was she going to give in and come with you? Is this finally happening? You smiled brightly, taking a deep breath to finally express your feelings for her, your thoughts about her, blooming every day you spent with her. But, before any of it could come out, you got interrupted by a weapon piercing your 'body'. You gasped, not even bothering to look for the weapon. Guiding one of your hands towards Pearl, you whispered her name, with what was left of your broken voice. You heard her cry out your name too, before you were forced –for the first time in your life– to retreat into your gem, which got shattered along the way.

You had stopped existing. Right when it mattered, you couldn't be there for Pearl, to guide her to a –what you thought was– better life, with you.

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