Pearl x Gemfusion!reader

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A/N: I'm sorry if you already had a fusion OC all ready and good to go, but I feel like it would confuse some people if I had to put gem name, first gem of the fusion name, and second gem of the fusion name, so I decided to just go with like, a Lapis and a Sapphire as the two gems, so you can still have your fusion name as your OC. But I mean you can change their names if you want, it's totally up to you.

Requested by: a deleted account
(G/N)= Gem Name
(F/N)= Pearl and the reader's fusion name
(G/C) = Gem colour(s)

"Uh oh! This is bad!" Steven yelled as he kneeled down to an unconscious Amethyst and Garnet. He looked up to Pearl, "You have to poof it, Pearl! Quickly!" The said gem backed up and turned around, "I can't! If it knocked out Garnet, chances are it's going to shatter me!"

The warp pad behind the two activated, and a (G/C) Gem jumped off of it, summoning their weapon. "Pearl, protect Steven! I'll take care of this!" Pearl backed off, dragging Steven with her "Be careful, (G/N)! We- I can't afford to lose you!" They quickly moved in front of the duo and managed to land a few punches on the monster before it registered their pattern, managing to block more than 80% of their attacks, and even scratch the fusion's form.

"It's smart! It figured out my fighting style!" (G/N) backed away, retreating into defence. "This is it! We're done for! It's gonna kill us all!" Steven yelled, "we should have used Alexandrite when we had the chaaaanncceee!" (G/N) winced at his whining/crying, distracting them from the fight.

"That's it! (G/N)! Fuse with me! Quickly!" Pearl ran forward and extended a hand to the exhausted gem in front of her. They took it, and together, they grew into the powerful and rare (F/N). Behind them, Steven gasped, obviously amazed by the new fusion in front of him.

Battling the monster was as easy as it could be, and soon it was defeated. "You were so cool! What's your name?? How come Pearl and (G/N) never talk about you??" He ran around (F/N) as they picked up their two passed out colleagues, and headed to the warp pad. "Steven, calm down, you're going to make me dizzy with all that running around! My name's (F/N)." "Wooaaaaah! It sounds so cool! You're so cool!!!" Steven yelled once again. "Yes, you mentioned that part before. Thank you for the reminder, buddy." They ruffled Steven's hair, and once at the Temple, they dropped the two gems they were holding down, and headed to Pearl's room. "See you around, Steven!"


Amethyst awoke, gasping. "PEARL! Quick! Leave with St- what...?" She looked around, and stood up. "Steven? Are you okay?" The purple gem went to walk towards his room, but tripped on Garnet's body, falling face first on the ground with a loud 'oof!'.

"Amethyst!" Steven called, running down stairs, jumping the last five steps. "You missed them! They were so cool!" He sat down next to Amethyst and watched as Garnet woke up too. "Huh, who was, Ste-man? Did (G/N) defeat that monster?" "I doubt it," Garnet said, getting up, "it knocked me out in seconds. (G/N) is strong, but not that strong." Amethyst got up too, a questioning look appearing on her face. "I couldn't imagine Pearl taking it down... Did they fuse?" At that, Steven vigorously shook his head up and down, "and they were AWESOME! They took the monster down in seconds! I wish you two could have seen it! Man, I have so many questions to ask Pearl and (G/N) when they come back!"

"Where are they?" Garnet asked.
"(F/N) left a few hours ago, they said they were going on a few missions."
Garnet sighed, "This isn't good..."
"Yeah," said Amethyst, "Poor Lapis and Sapphire..."


It had been three days since Pearl and (G/N) fused. Since then, the Crystal Gems had been going on twice as many missions as before, Pearl insisting on fusing with (G/N) each time. They didn't complain, but Pearl's clinginess was spinning out of control.

Days became weeks, and weeks became months. Every time they fused, they remained together longer than the time before. It came to a point where Pearl had convinced (G/N) to stay with her for a whole month. It wouldn't have been so bad if it was just that, but when becoming (F/N), (G/N) felt as it separated from themselves. Lapis and Sapphire were not enjoying it at all. Each time they tried to calm Pearl down and gain at least a small amount of control over their fusion, Pearl's thoughts took over, forcing (G/N) apart.

"(G/N)! Fuse with me! We need to get on the top of that mountain, quickly!" She said, tugging on the fusion's arm, her body already glowing a bright white light, ready to fuse. "N-" Before they could even answer, (G/N) got engulfed by the light, already transforming into (F/N). Garnet gasped, and Amethyst covered Steven's eyes. "What? What's wrong?" Steven asked, prying Amethyst's shaking hands away from his eyes.  "Pearl forced it..." Amethyst answered, "she forced them to fuse..."

As soon as the transformation was over, a loud scream rang out, making the ground shake. "I SAID NO!" (F/N) yelled, literally tearing themselves into three gems instead of two.

"Forcing fusion is the worst thing to do. Without consent, the fusion becomes unstable, unhappy. It's also pretty offensive for Garnet and (G/N)." Amethyst continued, "Let's... Let's leave Pearl, Lapis and Sapphire to talk it out..." She said, dragging Steven and Garnet to the nearest warp pad.

As they were leaving, Pearl stepped forward. "(G/N), what's wrong? You usually love fusing with me... What happened? Was it not a good enough reason to-"

"We aren't (G/N), Pearl." Lapis said, stepping in front of Sapphire protectively. "This relationship won't work if you keep forgetting that (G/N) isn't one, but two beings."

"Of course I know that you're two beings! You have two gems!" Pearl said in an offended tone.

"What Lapis means, Pearl, is that you lie to yourself. You tell yourself that when we're (G/N), we're not us. And when you do realize it, you feel left out, so you push us apart to keep thinking that the only love in (F/N) is you and (G/N)." Sapphire stated, staying behind Lapis Lazuli.

"What...? Of course not, (G/- Lapis, Sapphire, I love you."

"No, you love (G/N), Sapphire's right." Lapis told. "You need to come to the conclusion that we are three in this relationship, and we must love each other equally."

"You must also come to terms with the fact that (F/N) may be great and strong, but you have to let us work together, and not become blinded with the strength they have." Sapphire added.

Pearl looked at them both, incredulous. "Did I really do all that?" Lapis nodded.
"Oh my stars, I am so sorry!" She took a few steps forward and hugged the two gems in front of her. "I am so, so sorry!" She sobbed, pulling them as close as possible.

"It's okay," Lapis gently patted her back. "It's okay, but can Sapphire and I have a few moments alone to think things through, and talk, one on one?"

"O-of course!" Pearl stepped back, wiped her nose, and retreated to the warp pad.


"I'm a bit worried... They've been out there for thirty minutes now!" The pale gem paced around the house, fiddling with her fingers nervously.

"What you did was very offensive to them, Pearl. They need to think about their next actions carefully. We would have done the same." Garnet said, as she crossed her arms.

"Please, I know how much I messed up, don't remind me about it unless absolutely necessary..."

"Well, with what you did, you deserve the guilt you feel." Amethyst added in,

"Guys! Please, don't fight! I'm sure Lapis and Sapphire will forgive her!" Steven said.

Their conversation was cut short when the warp pad activated, letting through not two blue gems, but (G/N).

"I've made my decision." They said, stepping off the crystal pad. "We forgive you, Pearl. But the next time things like this happen, we'll have to think about more serious decisions."

"Of course! Thank you, oh thank you so much!" Pearl threw herself into the fusion's arms. "Oh, I love you! I love you both!" She sighed, resting her head on the fusion's chest as they held her close.

"We- I love you too."

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