Requested by: dapunnyspider
No one's POV
"What?" Steven said, in disbelief.
"I said that you'll need a babysitter." Pearl repeated, sighing.
"But I can take care of myself!" The young gem argued.
"Yes, I know that. But we'll all be gone for at least a week, and I need someone to be here with you, in case there's an emergency." She said, crossing her arms in an annoyed fashion.
"Why can't dad do it?" He asked.
Pearl ignored the question. "She's coming at six. I hope you two have fun!" She exclaimed, and waved as she joined the two other gems on the warp pad.
Pouting, Steven went back up to his room to watch TV until the babysitter arrived.
You walked up to the temple, and knocked on the door. Waiting, you heard footsteps approaching before a young boy, probably Steven, opened the door and smiled brightly at you. "Hi! I'm Steven! Are you my babysitter?" He asked, letting you in.
You dragged your suitcase and another bag, in which you placed a ton of games. You nodded, and smiled back. "Yeah! My name's (Y/N). At your service!"
He laughed, "Welcome to my home, (Y/N)! The crystal gems won't be back for a week, so I guess we have lots of time to get to know each other!" He explained. You nodded, and told him you already chatted with one of them for the details.
'Maybe this won't be so bad,' Steven thought.
The week went by surprisingly fast, and soon, the gems returned home. During that time, Steven explained the origins of gems, what they were, and a bit of where they came from. He also explained to you what were fusions, and the two of you shared the same deep interest in them.
On day eight, both of you were laying down, on the floor playing connect four. You were about to finish the game, until you heard the warp pad activate, and a gentle voice say,
"Steven! We're home! I hope you didn't bother your babysitter too much!"
Smiling from ear to ear, Steven got up and quickly hugged the owner of the voice. You stood up too, and took a look at the friendly aliens. You didn't know their names, and you would have liked to get to meet them.
"Oh! Right! Guys, this is (Y/N)! She's officially in my best friend list! (Y/-"
Sadly, Steven got cut off by your phone. You quickly took it out, and glanced at the caller ID.
"I'm so sorry! But I have to take this call." You apologized.
The tall, slender one waved you off. "It's fine! We can wait."
You nodded and walked outside to take the call.
"Hello?" You asked.
"(Y/N)! Where have you been?! The firefighters pulled up at your house earlier! The thing was in flames when I arrived!" You heard your brother, (Brother's/name) say.
"Why are you in town, anyways?"
"I WAS in town to visit you, but then when I saw you probably weren't home, I turned back to Empire City. I'm just glad that you're alive."
"...I'm glad I was babysitting." You muttered to yourself.
"Anyways, I have to get off my phone, if I don't wanna get arrested."
"You're talking and driving at the same time?!"
"What do you think I was doing?"
"I don't know! I thought you maybe pulled over or stopped at a gas station!"

Steven Universe One Shots
FanfictionON HIATUS! Ever wished you could have as many adventures as Steven? Because me too.