Lapis x human!reader (GORE WARNING)

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"What is a human doing here?" A tall lady in yellow looked down at you in disgust. "Who brought it here? I'll have them shattered!" 

All you wanted to do was find Lapis Lazuli, who had fled a few days ago after Steven told her something about 'Diamonds', and for your courage and love, you were rewarded with this fearful scenario. Great. 

"I-I mean no harm," You raised your palms up to emphasize your point. "I'm just looking for someone, and I'll head back to E-Earth..." 

The giant didn't even bother to listen to you. "Call in the Amethysts." She ordered to a smaller gem by her side.  She sort of looked like Pearl... 

"Yes, my Diamond." The gem answered, tapping away on a holographic screen. 

(Too) Soon, two buff, purple gems that had Jasper's built, but Amethyst's looks rushed in. 

"Get it out of my sight." The taller  lady stated, turned around. 

The two gems tried to corner you, but you knew where this was heading. They weren't going to help you, so you fled. 

"Come back here!" One of the Amethysts yelled. You felt a rope-like thing wrap around your left arm and they tugged you back, making you fly towards them at full velocity. You felt something in the said arm snap, and you felt immense pain before crashing into one of the Amethysts, and passing out. 

"What do you mean it won't grow back? Humans have regenerating powers, don't they?" A nasally voice said, near you. It almost sounded like Peridot! 

You would have called out to her, if you didn't feel so damn tired. The only thing you could do now was listen and pray you didn't fall into unconsciousness again. 

"They do, but its arm just doesn't seem to fit. Even if we place it next to her, it does nothing! We believe it's broken." Another voice said, which you didn't recognize. 

"You Amethysts..." 'Peridot' sighed. "Just... Get her a limb enhancer. It'll do the job." 

"Will it work..?" 

"We'll make it work! Now get out! Don't you have duties?!" 

You couldn't quite make out what the Amethyst said in return, since you passed out, once again. 

The next time you were awoken, it was by a familiar young boy's voice. "Get up, (Y/N)! They're going to notice us soon!" Small hands shook your sides until you were fully awake and functional. 

"Wha- Who..." You sat up and look down to the one that shook you out of your slumber. "Steven?" 

"There's no time!" He grabbed your right hand and tugged you out of your odd bed, and out the door. "I'll explain when we're safe!" 

"Wait! I need to find Lapis first!" You began to feel your heartbeat quicken once you remembered why you were here in the first place. "She needs to come back home!" 

"Lapis is safe on Earth! She came back." Steven looked around, then dragged you along a blue-ish hallway. "She was looking for you, so we told her you went looking for her! We never knew you meant Homeworld!" 

"Where else would she be?" You asked. Sure, you weren't a gem expert, being a human yourself, but you knew this was where Lapis came from! Why wouldn't she be here?

"Well, this is where she's from! She said she wanted to go home a few times when I first met her! Where else would she go?" 

Steven seemed annoyed by your ignorance. "(Y/N), Lapis is scared of Homeworld! She'd never come back here!" 

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