(Y/N)=Your name
Waving goodbye to Garnet, Amethyst and Steven, Pearl gave them a forced smile until they were fully gone. Sitting on the sofa next to the staircase to Steven's room, she sighed. "They're gone now. You can come out."
Hearing this, you slowly peaked from the closet from under the stairs ((A/N: Harry potter reference half intended)), and sat down next to her. "Seems stressful." You simply said. Pearl nodded. "You have no idea how scared I am that they'll find you out. You're not even supposed to be on Earth!"
You looked at her, smiling. "I know. I don't even want to be here," you started. She gave you a questioning look, "Then why are you-" You cut her off, knowing what she was going to ask."I'm here because you are. I did promise you a better life with me, didn't I?" You asked. She smiled, chuckling. "Of course you were going to use that cheesy excuse." Pearl concluded.
"But you like it,"
"I don't!"
"You never complain about it,"
She sighed, giving up on this worthless argument. "All I can say is I'm glad you're here with me." You nodded silently, letting an awkward silence take over. As you two sat still, you grew to like it. After a while, you glanced at Pearl, taking in her breathtaking appearance. Before you could say anything, Steven's loud voice was heard. Pearl gasped. "They're back already!" You sighed, and opened your arms. "One last hug?" She nodded, hugging your holographic body as the bits and pieces of your gem fell. She bubbled them up before they could touch the ground, and sent them back to her room.
Swallowing her oncoming sobs, she got up, ready to greet the two and a half gems. "Hey Pearl! Missed us?" Steven called out. She slightly rolled her eyes. "You three weren't gone for even ten minutes." She said. "Anyways, I have business to attend to. I'll be in my room. Don't interrupt me." The gem ordered, heading towards the temple.
Once the door closed, Steven turned back to the two others. "Pearl's always in her room when we're not around... More than usual..." He noted. "Do you guys know what's going on?" He asked. "I don't think you'd want to know." Garnet answered in her usual monotonous tone, and headed to her room, too. Expectantly, Steven turned to Amethyst. "I don't even know what's up with her myself," she lied, retreating to her room.
The two Crystal Gems never liked to talk about it. To Pearl, your broken gem was a touchy subject. She'd automatically get defensive over small remarks, and usually avoid getting too deep into the conversation. Garnet and Amethyst didn't like talking about you, either. Not that they disliked you or anything, hell, they never got to know you, but the way Pearl acted while they talked about you... Let's just say it wasn't pleasant.
And if you're thinking they'll tell Steven about you? That would be inquiring that all Hell would break loose. Pearl had strictly forbidden them from mentioning your name in front of Steven, and she planned on keeping it that way for a long time.
Sighing, Steven went back out, knowing that the three gems probably won't come out of their rooms any time soon.
Entering her room, Pearl fetched the bubble your gem was trapped in, and released your broken shards into her hand, creating the most realistic hologram of you she could, and sticking your 'fixed' gem where it should be.
What about your voice? You may ask?
Well, she was just making up your words in her mind. You didn't really talk, or think, or even exist. She just used you like a puppet, saying things she thought you'd say."Back locked into your room, huh?" You 'asked'. She nodded, silent. "Listen, Pearl, I know that was a close one, but you shouldn't barricade yourself from the others to talk to me. It's not good for your mental health." She looked up at you, "I want to be with you, don't you understand? I want to love you. You never got to know how I felt back when you were... Back before the war." She said. You smiled gently, and cupped her face with your hands. "I know, sweetheart," at this, she violently blushed, "but think about Steven. Don't you think raising Rose's child is more important? She put this much trust into you... And you throw it away?" Pearl looked taken aback by what you– more like what she made you say. "Since when do you care about Rose?" Your 'lover' asked.
You frowned, looking aside. "You know I hate her, but I feel bad that maybe... Maybe she's watching. Maybe she knows about what you're doing. Maybe she knows that you're leaving Steven alone to talk to me. As honoured and pleased as I am, I can't say that I'm happy with the fact that you care more about the dead than the living. That you care more about the past than the present and the future."
Pearl took a step away from you, slightly angered. "What do you want me to do? Simply throw your gem shards away? Forget about you completely?" You nodded, against her own will to make you do otherwise. "Don't you understand that I can't get over you? What you said on the battlefield, I took that into consideration! If you hadn't died stupidly because of some weak weapon, you would still be standing! So don't say that like if it's my fault! We both know it's yours!" Pearl shouted, upset. By now, tears were flowing out of her beautiful light blue orbs.
"I know," you started. She had planned on keeping you calm, but anger had taken over you, too. "I know that it's because of me. Maybe I shouldn't have loved you, or maybee that I could have stopped myself, against my own will, from ever wanting to get close to you! How does that sound?! Never getting to know me!" "Well that sounds absolutely wond-" She started. Before Pearl could finish that heartbreaking sentence, she looked at you, her teary eyes gazing into your own. "That sounds absolutely awful..." She managed to choke out, before dropping on her knees.
The sobs that escaped her weren't the first ones you heard. She had breakdowns like this every once in a while from missing you, but this one seemed far more heart crushing. As if she hadn't let out her emotions since you died at all. To some normal person, her sobs would be some normal, annoying sounds, maybe even gross. But to you, they sounded... Out of the ordinary, and in the good way. You had found everything about this gem absolutely beautiful, and this wasn't out of the question. To you, Pearl's cries were delicate, gentle and angelic, somehow. They were part of her natural beauty, after all.
Slowly, your holographic body advanced to her small, frail and broken figure. Her head was in her hands, but that didn't stop her tears from escaping her soft hands, and falling into the waterfall you two were standing on. You knelt in front of her, hugging her, rocking her from left to right, whispering small nothings into her ear. Pearl knew this was all just something she made up in her mind, but knowing that this would probably be what you would do in a situation like this, it calmed her.
Once she was fully calmed down, the pale gem got up, wiping off some dry tears. You gave her a heartwarming and encouraging smile. She shakily whispered, "Thank you. I owe you so much..." You gave her another hug, although she couldn't feel your body warmth. "You know what to do, if you truly want to repay me." You said, "I know you don't want to let go, but if you do, think of how strong you will become, without the burden of my death on your shoulders, weighing you down." She nodded, her bottom lip quivering again. "And hey, who knows? You might dream of me, if you ever sleep again, since I know you don't like it so much. And then, once I'll only be a nice memory, you can tell Steven about me. I'm sure he'll think I'm really cool." You said, trying to cheer her up.
She nodded, and smiled. "Don't say that, (Y/N)." She started. "You'll be way more than just some nice memory, and you know it." You smiled and nodded, tears reaching not only Pearl's eyes, but your own ones too. "And I'm sure Steven will think way more of you than only a 'cool gem'." She added, making you giggle. "I assume this is goodbye for good, then, (Y/N)." She finished. You shook your head. "Don't worry, Pearl, we'll see each other soon." Pearl nodded, knowing what came next. She grabbed your gem, ready to bubble it and send it to the core of the temple, with all the others. Before she could, you called her name.
"Hey, Pearl."
"I love you.
"I love you, too."
"Oh, and I just want to let you know, that to me, you're not just some Pearl."
"To me, you're worth a whole ocean."
A/N: Sorry if it's a bit short... Idk, I just felt like doing a second part

Steven Universe One Shots
FanfictionON HIATUS! Ever wished you could have as many adventures as Steven? Because me too.