Chapter 1 - Time Turner

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Teddy's POV

Victorie and I are supposed to be watching the teens all 23 of them, while everyone's parents are at an end of war celebration dinner, but currently we are hiding in my room for a break from their noise and pranks.

Victorie is trying to calm me down from the prank James and Madi had pulled on me. Why did they have to be such pranksters all the time?

"Come on, we need to go check and supervise them" Victorie said to me while pulling me up.

Sighing I agreed, we walked hand in hand and headed down the stairs to the lounge where all the teens were.

I looked around to see what they were all doing. Hugo, Louis, Lucy, Aiden and Jackson were playing wizards chess by the fire.

Dominique, Lorcan, Lysander, Molly and Michelle were doing some schoolwork at the kitchen table.

Albus, Lilly, Lucas and Ava were playing exploding snap on the couches and coffee tabel.

Rose and Scorpius were sitting by the window talking in quiet whispers. Rose was resting her head on Scorpius's shoulder.

I'm worried about Rose, we all are. Since coming home for the Christmas holidays she has hardly spoken, eaten, slept or talked. Whenever we try to bring it up she runs away and locks herself in a bathroom or makes up some excuse.

I'll find out one way or another I always do.

Hmm, I can't see James, Madi, Izzy, Fred, Roxy, Ben and Ethan where could they be.

As I continue too look I get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. The feeling I get whenever they are up to no good.

Meanwhile Madi's POV

We stood around high fiving for getting Teddy and Victorie to go into Teddies room so that we could put James's plan into action. The seven on us crept up the stairs towards Dad's study, he always keeps the door locked and being Harry Potter he put a spell on it that stops us being able to unlock the door using Alohomora and stops us from Apparating in as well.

James and Fred kept going on to us about how we need to go in there because there must be some amazing gadgets and other things in there which is why it is always locked.

Because of their desperation they learnt how to pick locks the muggle way. We have never tested this before and are hoping dad hasn't thought of that too and has a spell that stops them from being able to pick the locks.

We take a quick look around to see if anybody is nearby when we see no-one then James and Fed get to work.

While they are picking the locks the rest of us stand watch at various points down the passage ready to alert them if anyone comes. We each have a spark colour that we send so we know who has someone approaching.

Mine is silver and I'm standing by the stairs leading up to the floor the study is on. There is a deadly silence while we wait to see if this works, suddenly we hear James saying in a hushed whisper, "Got it".

Excitement is laced through his voice.

James carefully pushes the door open and it squeaks, we all flinch.

I look around to see if anybody is coming to see what that noise was. I can see the others looking around too, after a minute of silence we move forward into the study. Because I'm the last person through the door I close it behind me.

I look around to see that the others have all headed to different areas of the room looking for something interesting to take or examine. I see James and Fred looking in the draws in the big desk that is in the middle of the room.

Izzy and Roxy are looking through the cupboards that cover over half the walls. Ben and Ethan are looking through some of the filing cabinets.

I think that James and Fred or Izzy and Roxy well find something as they have the more interesting sections rather then filling cabinets.

As a group we had already decided that I would stand watch before we went in the room, this was to make sure that if anyone comes we would be able get out fast so that we didn't get caught.

After a few minutes of looking James and Fred come over with a strange golden necklace that has an hourglass filled with golden sand.

"What is it?" James asks, I didn't have any answers and neither did the others. It does look and sound familiar though.

"It could be something that our parents have used on one of their adventures because it looks like something your mum told me about Izzy", I said.

"We should go ask Rose or Teddy they'll know" Roxy suggests. We all agree.

We run out of Dads office and head down to the lounge where we know everyone is. James goes over to Teddy who is cuddling with Victorie on the couch, puke puke.

James shows him the necklace a look of recognition appears on Teddy's face. Teddy suddenly jumps up and makes a grab for the necklace, he yells, "JAMES WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?"

James looking completely unfazed due to Mum yelling at him all the time replied calmly, "Dads office".

I look around to see that everyone is now watching what is going on even Rose. I'm really worried about her she won't eat or sleep. At night when she is asleep I hear her mulling and crying telling someone to stop. I want to know who it is and what is upsetting her I miss my cousin who would yell at me and that I could have girl talks with.

I think I'll ask Scorp he must know what is going on.

I snap back to reality when Teddy yells, "GIVE ME THE NECKLACE".

"NO, Fred catch" James yells while throwing the necklace to an unsuspecting Fred. I watch as the necklace hits Fred in the face because he's not expecting it.

He tries to catch it but fails, it falls to the ground and shatters. The sand seems to expand rapidly and grabs us all in a big golden cloud.

That last thing I see is Kreature yelling in surprise then we are gone!

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