Chapter 2 - Arrival

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Harry's POV (1995)

George, Fred and Ginny are currently dancing around the kitchen yelling, "He got off, He got off". While I'm trying to stifle a laugh Molly yells at them to be quite just as they shut up we hear a bang and a crash coming from the hallway.

Moody tells us too pull out our wands and advance slowly and carefully. Sirius pushes me behind him and opens the door.

There in the middle of the hallway are over 20 teenagers and 2 young adults all in a tangled pile.

The adult with blue hair yells, "JAMES POTTER, FRED WEASLEY WHAT DID YOU TWO DO?"!

I pale at the name of the first one, James Potter. But my dad is dead he has been for 15 years.

We watch as the group of strange people slowly untangle themselves from the pile of people not realizing we are watching them. I can hear them muttering things amongst themselves that I can't make out until one of them yells, "THAT'S A BLOODY TIME TURNER YOU IDIOTS".

The boy James, who looks a lot like me and a girl that looks similar to me and him start muttering about how "Uncle Ron will be so proud".

Uncle Ron!!!!!! What?

Sirius points his wand at them and yells, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?"

The teenagers turn around noticing us for the first time and let out a started yelp.

Teddy's POV

I can't believe they went into Dad's study I mean after everything and all the rules that's the one rule they should know not to break as bad things could happen if they touched some of the stuff in there and look something bad has happened.

I notice the walls they look a lot like Grimmauld Place, our old home before we moved to Potter Mansion. I stand up and see all the kids in a big pile yelling at each other to get up. I see Hugo on the top and help him up then together we start to untangle the others.

Once they are all untangled I yet lose my anger and yell, "JAMES POTTER, FRED WEASLEY WHAT DID YOU TWO DO?"

Rose grabs the half of necklace that Fred is holding and yells, "THAT'S A BLOODY TIME TURNER YOU IDIOTS"!

I see James and Madi make eye contact and smirk at each other. I groan knowing what's about to come.

Madi starts it, "James", "Yes Madi". "Did I hear what I thought I did", "Yes you did Madi, Rose swore", "Can you believe it". Together they yell, "UNCLE RON WILL BE SO PROUD."

I roll my eyes and the other kids smirk or roll their eyes as well. Then hear a gruff low voice yell, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?"

We all turn around and I pale I see people I never thought I'd see before, Sirius Black is standing in front of me with my real dad not to far behind.

Both are supposed to be dead.

I look at the others and make a head gesture that tells them to be quiet. At first they look like they don't want but then I can see them making the connection of who these people are and they agree to keep quiet. Being the oldest I step forward and ask what the date is; Sirius looks at me strangely then says, "December 23, 1995".

At this news we all visible pale. I can see that my dad is starting to make a connection as to why we all looked super worried, I really hope he doesn't freak out.

Rose is the first to react out of our group and out of the corner of my eye I can see her hitting James and Fred in the head, yelling about how this is their entire fault.

I don't really blame her this is their fault but not just them two the entire Second Generation Marauders were the ones to go and steal the time Turner so it is all their faults their parents are not going to be happy.

Once Rose has calmed down, I slowly turn to my parents and the other order members and say the five words they are least expecting "We are from the future".

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