Chapter 4 - Introductions Part 2

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Dominque's POV

After seeing dad get over the shock of having a second daughter I decide to tell everyone about myself.

"I'm Dominque Weasley and my parents are Bill and Fleur as you already know. I am 19 years old and when I was at Hogwarts I was in Ravenclaw and I was a prefect but I wasn't head girl. I am currently training to be a healer at St Mungos. And Um I'm dating Jackson Longbottom." I said the last part very quietly hoping that dad wouldn't hear me say it unfortunately he did.

"Does Jackson treat you right?"

I let out a sign of relief that that was all he said, that he wasn't mad or angry. I continue to look at him to see if he has reacted to any of the other information about myself. He seems to be a bit in shock.

Jackson stepped up and said, "Of course I treat her right, she is my world and I love her with all of my heart."

I look to Jackson and smile and say, "I love you too."

Dad looks a bit shocked about us saying we love each other but doesn't say anything else. I'm glad because I really think that Jackson is the one for me, I turn to Louis and say, "Your up."

Louis's POV

I look around the room and see everyone staring at me, Dumbledore spoke up and said, "Your name is Louis right?"

I look at him a bit confused as to how he knows my name but then remembered that I already introduced my name to them, I think the shock of being here is messing with my head.

I look at him and say, "Yes sir."

I see Uncle George look at me then look at Victorie and Dom and he makes the connection he looks at Dad and says, "Bill, I think this is another one of yours."

Dad who had been drinking a glass of water chocked on it and with wide eyes said, "A third?"

I nod my head and say, "My name is Louis Weasley and I am the youngest and last of Bill and Fleur's children. I am 16 years old and I am also in Ravenclaw. I am in my 6th year at Hogwarts."

Dad smiled at me and I think to confirm to himself he said, "So you're my last child?" I let out a small chuckle and smiled at him and then nodded.

I look around the group of us and try to work out who should go next, Teddy catches my eye and looks at Michelle. I get it now we are going in age order from our parents.

I look at Michelle and she gets the message she stands up and flips her hair over her shoulder, honestly she can be so dramatic sometimes.

Michelle POV

While Louis was talking about himself to everyone I took the chance to look around at everyone and what Grimmauld Place looked like since we are 26 years in the past. I see the heads of the dead house elf hanging on the wall. Honestly Great Grandma Black was a bit of a creep.

I focus back on Louis and see that he is finishing up, I see him make eye contact with Teddy and then look towards me. Me being me I decided to go for the dramatic look and stood up flipping my long ginger hair over my shoulder.

Once I'm standing Uncle Fred is the one to speak up asking who I was.

I look at him with a bit of attitude and say, "I was getting to that". He looks down sheepishly but doesn't say anything else.

I say, "As Uncle Fred asked, I am Michelle Weasley. I am 19 and work with dad. My dad is none other then Charlie Weasley."

It wasn't dad that spoke up it was Grandma Molly, "You are another dragon person in our family?"

I look at dad and smile nodding, "I am also the youngest person ever recorded to have a dragon familiar." This earned a gasp from multiply people, I knew that having a familiar was an extremely rear thing to have and then the fact that my familiar is a dragon is even more amazing.

My dad looked at me with amazement in his eyes and I'm currently feeling very proud. I was about to stop and not tell them about my time at Hogwarts because I'm not sure that they well respond well to me being in Slytherin. But none the less dad looks at me and says the words I'm worried about, "What about your time at Hogwarts?"

I take a deep breath and say the words that may wreck my relationship with my family from the past, "I was in Slytherin."

Everyone looked at me in shock, Uncle Ron was the first to react saying, "You were in Slytherin?"

I nod my head and say, "It has changed a lot in our time there are muggleborns in Slytherin too, it's not prejudice anymore and the Slythrins and Gryfindoors get along together really well. Slytherin isn't considered evil anymore now it is about being cunning and sly nothing to do with being evil."

Everyone nodded their heads as if to say ok but I don't think they trusted themselves to speak anymore. I looked over at dad and he had a frown on his face but I think it was more shock then anything. I say, "You not mad are you?"

He looks even more shocked at that statement and says, "I could never be, I'm proud that you were in Slytherin because it shows that you are cunning and you need to be to be a dragon trainer, I have one question though who is your mother?"

I see everyone else nod in agreement, I say, "Her name is Eden Barker and she is a Pureblood that you meet in 1999 while looking for a new breed of Dragon in New Zealand, she was also doing research and looking for it. You worked together and fell in love on the way."

I hear Aunty Hermione and Ginny saying, "Aww", in the background. I see dad laughing at the fact that it was his dragons that found him love. I see Uncle Bill shaking his head with silent laughter everyone else looks a bit shocked and surprised at the information about my mother.

It was Aunt Ginny that wondered how they never meet her at Hogwarts, I think about the pros and cons of telling them so I just do it knowing what the reaction will probably be, "Her parents were death eaters so she ran away from home when she was 8 because she hated everything to do with them so she changed her name and moved to America where she attended and hid at IIvermorny. The people there were so good to her especially the headmistress who she changed her last name too as she was pretty much adopted by her and the head mistress kept her hidden. She came out of hiding when Voldermort was defeated and she found out that both her parents had been killed, she then moved to New Zealand to look for the new breed of dragons that she found out about where she meet dad, and I guess the rest is history."

Everyone was looking at me in complete shock to be fair I was use to it, dad was the first to respond say, "I married the daughter of two death eaters." He was looking shock, angry and a bit disappointed in himself, I felt the familiar anger in me bubble up and I exploded at him, "HOW DEAR YOU SAY THAT WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE IF YOU REMEMBER SHE RAN AWAY AT THE AGE OF 8 AND FLEED BECAUSE SHE HATED HER PARENTS BELIFS HOW CAN YOU BLAME HER WHEN SHE HARDLY REMEBERS THEM OR HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM FOR THE ENTIRE WAR, SHE CELEBTRATED WHEN SHE LEARNT THEY HAD DIED YOU HAVE NO REASON TO BE MAD AT HER BECAUSE SHE HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG!"

I felt a lot calmer now and dad looked at me in shock then looked down at himself in disappointment then he walked towards me and put his arms out I jumped into his embrace he cuddled my close and was mumbling in my ear, "I'm sorry you right."

I stepped back and looked at him much happier now anyway that was a long introduction I think it's your turn Ben", I said looking at my brother. He smirked at me and walked forward ready to introduce himself to his family.

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