Chapter 13 - When the truth comes out

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Chapter 13

Warning some graphic scenes ahead.

Rose POV

I've been sitting quietly trying to process everything that has happened over the last week, since the ball. I know I should be engaging with my family especially now that we are in the past since I never got to meet some of them.

I just I can't face them even my family I just don't know how to bring this up to them. Not know how they will react or what will happen. Scorp and Roxy know but only because Scorp was the one who helped me and Roxy came not long after and saw the state I was in and helped to.

I hear them talking about the map and the cloak and remember who had it last it was Roxy and she used to get Mason and if she says that I know what it will lead to. Come on Rose you are a Gryffindor you can get the courage to tell your family they should know.

When Roxy said his name I was expecting it but it still hurt to hear his name said. I couldn't help but let out a startled squeak.

I fell Scorp put his arm around me and I pull myself into his embrace putting me head onto his chest. I couldn't help it I find it calming being held by him. I can't help the sobs that escape my mouth.

I feel the tension in the air and hear Fred II ask, "What did he do?" I can hear the anger that is laced in his voice, which makes me nervous.

I can tell it made Roxy nervous to because she stutters a bit when she says, "It's not my place to tell you."

I know that everyone is looking at me know and scrop bends down to my ear and whispers, "Rose it'll be much easier to cope with them knowing. Come on you should tell them"

I know he's right so I pull out of his embrace and stand up feeling determined but as soon as I face my family I start to shake again. Scrop stands up beside and hold my hand, I accept it and feel calmer now. I decide I will tell them what happened.

I start by speaking to the future generation, "You know how we had the Christmas ball at the end of the term".

I see them all nod, "Well it happened there."

They look confused so I decided that I would just tell it all in one big go. "Please don't interrupt until the end because if you do I don't think I will be able to continue."

The nod realizing how serious and difficult what I'm going to tell them is.

"Half way through the ball M-M-Mason came over to talk to me. You all know that he's been talking to me a bit and I just considered him a friend. He wanted to go outside and talk in privetly and so I went. I told Scorp where I was going and that I'd only be a few minutes. He didn't seem to like it but he knew he could stop me so I followed M-M-M-Mason so that we could talk.

We went outside and it was a beautiful night the stars where shinning and the moon was bright. We walked down to the lake and sat under a tree and started talking.

He confused his feelings for me but I told him that I had feelings for someone else, which is true because I do. He seemed to accept it and so we just sat and talked for a little bit longer talking about the school year so far, what we were doing during the Christmas holidays etc. I decided I'd hald anough so I I got up to leave.

He got up first and stood in front of me to help to me up. I r-r-eached up to grab his hand when he suddenly stopped and then l-l-unged at me.

He said a spell that meant I wasn't able to s-scream or y-y-yell. He's a-a lot bigger then me and was able to pin me down.

H-he-he then kissed me and I tried to fight him off I did, I really did but he was a-a lot stronger then me and was easily able to trap me beneath him.

T-the next thing I knew his hand where under my dr-dress and undoing my br-bra he kept grabbing and feeling my breast and I couldn't do anything to f-fight him off.

I suddenly felt pain and realized he st-stuck his fingers inside me I was mortified and I kept struggling but he w-was so much st-st-stronger then me.

I he-heard a ripping sound and I didn't realize at first what it was but then the cold air hit me and I realized he had ripped my dress right off leaving me com-completely exposed.

He then fr-froze me with petrificus totalus so that I couldn't move wh-while he removed his clothes. He-he unfoze me once he was back on top of me and fo-forced me to gi-give him a hand job a-and then a bl-blow job. He had complete control over me. I didn't know how to react or anything since I still couldn't yell or scream.

He-he said to me, "If I can't date you then I'll have you this way."

I didn't realize what he meant, I knew I was crying but he wasn't stopping.

He removed my nickers and then I felt pain, pain beyond anything that I had ever felt before. And I realized he had started to have sex with me.

I was now completely frozen my virginity was being taken by this guy who was r-rapping me.

He seemed to be enjoying himself but he never got to finish because just before I blacked out the weight on top of me was suddenly gone. I didn't realize why until I felt the spell being removed and I could talk again. I curled up into a ball and just started sobbing.

I could hear someone punching someone else in the background and then suddenly Scorp ran up to me and gave me his jacket and wrapped it around me.

I was crying into his shirt and he just kept saying calming words. We made our way back to the castle he was taking me to he Hospital wing. On our way we cam across Roxy and she took one look at me and came with us.

When we got there Madame Pomfrey gave me some potions, and I went to sleep trying to forget everything that had happened.

I woke up the next day with Scorp beside me I got dressed went to breakfast and pretended nothing had happened. Then we got on the train headed home I just tried to forget about everything."

I finally looked up and made eye contact with my family, they were standing their opened mouth eyes watering. Suddenly I felt a huge embrace and my family where hugging me and I started to cry and they where crying and we just sat their hugging and crying for at least 10 minutes before James and Fred II stood up and said, "We'll kill him."

I knew by their tone they were not kidding but Teddy walked up to them and put a hand on each shoulder and said just wait a minute. I want to know about the punching you heard Rose.

Everyone turned to look at Scorp and he scratched his head nervously, "well I couldn't not let him get some punishment." I saw him roll up his sleeves that had been using to cover his hands.

I could see the purple bruses and the cuts on his hands but I already knew they were there but the others didn't.

I hear James exclaim, "Jesus how hard did you punch him that looks painful". 

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