Chapter 11 - Dating and a New Arrival

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Harry's POV

After the shock of hearing all the introductions wear off I'm quite excited to find out some more information from my future children. That sounds weird oh well.

I look at the kids that are sitting nearest to me and decide to ask them about if anyways dating.

I see my son Albus looks at some of the others and they nod their heads so he looks at George, Fred, Sirius, Remus and myself and says, "Well you already know about Teddy and Victorie and that they are engaged. And that Dom and Jackson are also dating. We think that Fred II is dating someone but he hasn't mentioned anything so we don't know for sure. Most of us have bets on when Rose and Scorp will start dating."

We nod at then my other son interrupts the conversation by saying, "And I'm dating Ashlynn Thomas."

There were snickers from most of the generation I see and then my daughter Madi steps and says, "Please you wish she was your girlfriend!"

I see my son pout at that.

Monny and Sirius are cracking up with laughter beside me then they say to each other, "Just like the first James with Lilly."

The future generation all start laughing at that and Albus says, "Yes exactly you have no idea who many times he's asked her out and she refused but he wont give up so it may pay off like it did for the last James."

I find myself joinging in the laughter with everyone else.

Suddenly we hear a bang from the hallway, so we get out our wands to investigate. There is a girl holding what looks to be a necklace. She turns around and notices us in which she lets out a yelp and a huge group of people point wands at her. As I look at her I notice that she looks kind of similar to Sirius.

Fred II suddenly breaks from the group and goes over to her, "Alexandra? What are you doing here?"

She looks at him and lunges at him, giving him a huge hug. I hear Albus say, "Look we were right he is dating someone and that someone is Alexandra."

"Who's Alexandra?" I ask.

James answers me, "Alexandra Wilson she is in our year at Hogwarts."

Alexandara's POV

What is going on? One minute I was at Grandma's house helping her clean out her attack when I found a locket. She told me not to touch it but I saw there was an engraving on it and I wanted to see what it said. So I picked it up and read then engraving which said, "I will always love you SB."

I thought of who SB could be. I couldn't come up with anything so I wished in my head I could see whom he was. Then suddenly a mist surrounded me and then I found myself falling into the floor in a house I didn't recognize.

Then people I didn't know surrounded me and then I saw Fred II. He ran towards me and gave me a big hug. He's currently whispering soothing words into my ear, as he knows I hate when there are lots of people, especially people that I do no know.

I look around to see where I am and who's here. I see all my friends in the Potter/Weasley/Longbottom famalies and then I see people behind them that look a lot like them and I get really confused.

I turn to Fred II, "Where am I?" I ask.

I see him take a brethe and then he says, "Alexandra you are in Grimmulad Place in 1995."

I take a sharp breath, 1995! How did I get here as I'm thinking this I realize the locket must have had some part in me coming here but why? 

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