Chapter 5 - Introductions Part 3

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Ben's POV

I take a step forward ready to introduce myself to everyone, I can feel myself smiling at Michelle's reaction from when our family found out about our mother. Michelle is very close to her and I know that she is very protective of her especially when people lose their sh*t about our mothers parents. I agree with her I mean come on guys she ran away at such a young age and didn't keep contact with them at all I think that warrants a non freak-out reaction.

I look at my family to see who can work out whose child I am. I see Grandpa Weasley (Arthur) make the connection.

"Your another one of Charlie's aren't you?" I hear him ask.

I nod my head and say, "Yes Grandpa, I am".

I see dad look a little shocked to hear he has another kid so as not to take to long I add. "By the way dad after me you have one more kid."

I see his eyes bug out and he says, "I have three kids like Bill."

I nod my head, "Michelle is your only girl though you have another son."

Dad just nods his head with a goofy grin on his face, I can't help but chuckle at that.

He looks at me smiles and says "tell me about yourself".

I look at him and say, "My name Ben like Michelle told you, I am 17 years old and am in the 7th year at Hogwarts. I am in the house of the lions, Gryffindor. I am a chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and I am a member of the Marauder Second Generation."

I see Remus and Sirius look questionable at that wondering what I mean, I know Sirius is about to ask so I stop him before he does by saying, "We can explain what that is later because there are a few more memebers here and it will be easier to explain with all of us together."

Sirius and Remus just nod.

"So yeah that's me", I say.

Dad looks and me and says, "That's awesome son."

"Aiden your up", I say.

Aiden POV

I don't like talking much so I've figured I'll just say what I need to say and I'll say it really fast. "Hey guys, I'm Aiden as Ben told you I am Charlies last child and his youngest. I am in Ravenclaw and I am a prefect. I am also the seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team."

I am about to stop when I figure I should say one more thing, "I am also not found of talking I prefer to stay quite so if no one else has any questions I'll just sit down."

Everyone was looking at me a bit shocked but no one came forth with any questions, and I see dad smile at me so I smile back and then sit down.

Molly POV

I smile at Aiden he's extremely shy and I know he doesn't like to talk much he prefers to watch and find out about people. I then realize it is my turn to introduce myself. I take a deep breath and stand up knowing I might not get the best reactions, as the families aren't on the best terms with my dad in this time frame.

"Hey guys, so I doubt you'll guess who my parents are so I'm just going to tell you, my father is Percy and my mother is Audry Smith. You don't know my mother as she is a muggle that Percy meets after the war."

I look around to see what the reaction was, I hear Fred say, "Will the Git comes back."

I snicker at that remark because I agree with him that dad was a git during the war. I hear Grandma Weasley (Molly) exclaim, "He comes back?"

I smile and nod at her, "yes he does come back and he realizes how much of a git he was so he named me to help make it up to you."

Grandma Molly smiles at me and asks, "What is your name my dear."

I smile at her and say, "Molly."

Grandma Molly has tears in her eyes she jumps forward and gives me a hug. I hug her back. She asks about me so I tell her and everyone present, "My name is Molly and I am Percy's oldest child, I was in Ravenclaw when I was at Hogwarts and I was head girl. I am 19 now and work in the department of Mysteries."

Everyone smiles at me and Lucy comes up and stand beside me, even though I am three years older then her we look very similar.

Lucy's POV

I go and stand next to Molly so that everyone can see how similar we look, I smile at her and then say, "Hello everyone, my name is Lucy and I am Molly's younger sister if you haven't been able to work that out already. I like Molly am in Ravencalw. I am also a prefect. I am 16 so in my 6th year. I am also a chaser on Raveclaws Quidditch team."

Grandma Molly gives me a hug to and then Molly and me both go and sit down. I sigh when I realize who is up next to introducing themselves. Fred (II) and Roxanne this is going to be great.

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