Chapter 7 - Introductions Part 5

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Izzy's POV

I look around smiling at my family, it's great that the family from the past are taking this quite well I don't know how well we would cope thinking that they didn't like us. I know that it will be my turn to introduce myself soon, which makes me a bit nervous.

I hear Roxy finishing her introduction, which means it, is my turn. I take a step forward knowing they won't guess whom my parents are.

Before anyone can say anything I say, "Hey everyone I'm Isabella, but I go by Izzy. Before you guess who my parents are let my two younger siblings go then guess because it will probably be a bit of a shock."

I see everyone nodding that they will do as I ask so I continue on with my introduction. "So I'm Izzy. I am 17 and in my 7th year and I also have a twin sister who will introduce herself soon. I am in Slytherin house." I hear a gasp.

I roll my eyes and say, "Didn't we already establish with Michelle that being a Slytherin isn't bad?"

Everyone nods and someone mumbles a sorry.

"Now before I was interrupted I am also a chaser, a prefect and I am a member of the Marauder Second Generation and that is me."

Rose's POV

I haven't been really listening to what has been going on, once we got here and I yelled at James and Fred I went back to being quite. I know that my family is worried about me but I can't tell them what happened and the affects that it having on me. I feel so ashamed and alone I can't bear to tell them.

I don't even know I'm to introduce myself until Scorp pulls me from my thoughts by squeezing my hand. I look up and see the second gen looking at me so I know that it must be me.

I squeeze Scorp's hand back and then get up to introduce myself. "Hi everyone I'm Rose, I am Izzy's younger twin which means I am also 17 and in my 7th year. I am in Gryffindor and am Head Girl. I also have an official title but I won't tell you until later otherwise it would give away who my parents are."

I could see that my family from the past want to ask some questions but they noticed I don't want to talk so they don't say anything which I am grateful for. I go back to thinking what has happened over the last week spacing out again. I feel Scorp grab my hand I give it a little squeeze but other then that I don't respond just except his comfort.

Hugo POV

I know that something is bothering Rose and I know she doesn't want to talk so as soon as she is done I get up to introduce myself to pull some of the attention away from her and onto me.

"Hi everyone I am the youngest out of Izzy and Rose, my name is Hugo and I am 14, which means I am in my 4th year. I am in Hufflepuff and am the keeper on the House team. I also have a rare power, which allows me to talk to all magical creatures. This includes, animals, goblins, gnomes any magical creature you can think of."

I hear a gasp from everyone around me.

I smile at my family and they are looking at me with a new light. "I know what you must have been thinking about me being in Hufflepuff but it doesn't matter to me I prefer to be loyal to all including the creatures that have come to trust me which is pretty much every species out there."

I go to sit down when I hear George exclaim, "Wait who are your parents?"

I smile and say, "I will tell you Roses official title which will give you our mother. Her title is the smartest witch of our age."

"Hermione", George says.

I smile at him, "Yes our Mother is Hermione and we are Weasley's by blood."

George speaks up over the top of me saying, "There is only two Weasley males left so your dad has to be either Fred or Ron."

I just smile at him and nod then say, "You are right but out of the two our father is Ron."

Suddenly there is a lot of groaning and clinking as people pass coins around.

I hear Dad suddenly exclaim, "You bet on us?" I look around to see the family from the past passing coins over to each other.

Uncle Harry then says, "Of course we bet on you, you guys were always going to get together I just knew it so I talked with everyone else and most agreed but some didn't so we took bets."

Uncle Ron just looks a bit mortified.

Ismile at James letting him know I'm finished meaning he can get his big show onthe road being the dramatic person that he is.     

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