Chapter 12 - A New Discovery

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Lilly's POV

I'm listening to my brother tell our parents about who is dating who and stuff and I just smile laughing at some of the found memories we have. I tune out and then starting listening again when everyone suddenly starts laughing and I realize James must have said something about Ashlynn. I soon find myself laughing with everyone else.

Then we are all running into the hall and I see Alexandra, What is he doing here I wonder. As we all calm down and lower our wands we make our way into the kitchen with Alexandra.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain around my neck and I let out a yelp. I see everyone turn to me. I can't work out where the pain is coming from and then I click it must be my necklace with the mirror that allows mum and dad to talk to us. As I pull it out and then expand it so that it becomes the full mirror I realize how worried and mad dad and mum will be. I feel myself paling at that thought.

I feel my cousins and siblings crowed around me and I look at Teddy in the eyes. He nods and I press open suddenly we are all meet with a huge loud yell, "JAMES SIRIUS POTTER WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!!"

I look into the mirror and say to mum, "Calm down and let us explain."

"She looks like she's about to yell again when dad comes into the picture and grabs hold of mum and whispers into her ear. I see her nod and then step out of the frame and I'm left with dad."

"Lilly flower what happened? Where are you guys?" I hear him say.

"Dad it's a long story but pretty much the Marauder Second Generation went into your office and found a time turner and then it got broken. We where the clouded by this mist and we landed in Grimmulad Place."

Before I could finish explain dad intrupted and said "That's not bad why didn't you just floo back to Potter Mansion?".

"Dad you cut me off, while we are in Grimmulad Place it's Grimmulad Place in 1995 as in when you were 15." I tell him I see him trying to process what I just said and when it sinks in I see him pale. I see Dumbledore come up behind us and look into the mirror.

"Hello Mr. Potter now not to worry about the children I have a spell in mind that will send them back to your time but I need to to a bit of research so it will be a couple of days and then they will be back nice and safe. Until that time that can stay here with us. Also I doesn't matter what they tell us about themselves or the future because the spell will oblivate us when they leave."

I see dad nodding with some tears in his eyes at seeing the old headmaster again. "Alright sir anyways Lilly we'll see you in a couple of days."

"Wait dad, Alexandra Wilson is also here with us can you please get in contact with her parents and explain what happened to them" I ask him.

"Of course flower, Alexandra what's your mothers name?"

Alexandra looks into the Mirror and says "April Wilson nee Nott".

"Ok bye everyone we will be in contact soon." He says.

"Ok Dad" I say and just before I hang up Sirius runs up the mirror and says, "Don't worry Prongslette me and Moony make sure they are all safe."

"Thanks Padfoot, see you everyone."

"Bye Dad/Mr Potter/Uncle Harry" everyone courses together.

"Padfoot, Moony!" I hear Fred and George exclaim.

I see Sirius and Remus turn towards them and smirk, "Yes"!

"Wholly Crap you guys are our idols and if you two are them that means that the first James Potter was Prongs which means Harry was his son and we gave him the map." Fred says.

"The little shit never told us either Fred." George suddenly said. They make eye contact and then both turn towards a younger Harry who looks a bit nervous and scratches his head.

Sirius intrupts and said, "Who has the map now and the cloak."

James, Madi and Albus raise their hands, "We do but we let everyone use them when they need to but I last gave them to Roxanne but she never said why she needed them."

I see Roxanne's face turn bright red with anger then she says, "I needed to teach someone a lesson that they wont be soon forgetting."

"Who?" I ask.

"Mason Flint", Roxanne says with anger.

When she says his name I hear Rose let out a squeak and then Scrop put his arm around her. She hid he head into his chest and then we heard sobs coming out.

"Roxanne", Fred II says with anger in his tone. "What did he?"

Roxanne looks a bit nervous and the says, "It's not my place to tell you."

I look over to see Scorp whisper something to Rose. She gets a determined look on her face and says.....

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