Chapter 8 - Introductions Part 6

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James POV

Yes finally, I have been waiting so long for it to be my turn I can't wait to introduce myself my name will be a shocker my parents will be a shocker I'm so excited. When I see Hugo look at me I start to smirk, I hear some groaning from my family and just smirk at them before I stand up. As I walk to the front to introduce myself I put a sway in my hips, run my hand through my hair and tug on my leather jacket making myself look very dramatic.

When I get to the front I wait for everyone to be silent before saying, "Hello, I am James Sirius Potter the oldest out of us Potter children."

"You named your son after me?" I hear Sirius say to dad.

"Why wouldn't I?" I turn to see dad and Sirius hugging and I think, that's not going to happen when they find out Albus's middle name.

I cough to get their attention again then I continue, "I am 17 and in my 7th year at Hogwarts. I am in Gryffindor and I am chaser on the team and I am also the captain. I am a Marauder Second Generation and..." Looking directly at Minnie I see her pale when she realizes I'm the James Fred was talking about.

"I have the most detention record at Hogwarts with Fred." I say with a smile. Minnie just groans then looks upwards and says, "This all started with the first James Potter and the Marauders breaking all the rules then I had Harry, Ron and Hermione who broke every rule in the book too and now I have these two who have a huge new record for detention and this mysterious Second Generation Marauders I keep hearing of.... I am gonna blame you for this James Potter the first."

I see her look at me then she says, "Am I dead, am I a ghost teacher like Binns?". When I laugh and say no she just sighs then steps back.

I'm about to let Madi introduce herself when Sirius says, "Who's your mother?" I respond and say "I'll tell you once my siblings have been". He nods as me.

Again as I'm about to let Madi introduce herself Teddy steps up and says, "James tell them about the other thing too. The stuff that's unique to you and your siblings."

I can see that this has made everyone very interested in what I left out. So I take a breath and say, "My siblings and I can all speak Parseltongue and we can each control a different element mine is fire."

Everyone gasps at that.

It's Remus that speaks up first, "You can control Fire?" I nod at him. He looks taken back everyone does. "How is that even possible?" Remus asks

I just shake my head, "We don't really know no one has been able to control the elements for hundreds of years and there isn't anyone alive left to talk to, none of the ghosts even know what it means."

The way everyone is looking at me I know that they are impressed but also a little creped out. "Right onto my first triplet."

Madi's POV

"What's up everyone I am Madison Nymphadora Potter but don't call me that my name is Madi".

"Hey that's what Tonks said when I first meet her," I hear dad say in the background.

"Thanks for naming your daughter after me Harry" Tonks says to dad.

"Your welcome Tonks." Dad replies

"Anyways I am 17 and in my 7th year at Hogwarts I am also in Gryffindor and I am the seeker on the house team. I am also a member of the Marauder second generation. As James told you I can speak Parseltongue and the element that I control is Water. And you'll find out who my mother is soon. Anyways onto the next potter my younger triplet."

Albus's POV

Crap what am I going to do they are not going to like me, they are going to judge me because of my name and then judge me because of my house even though they agreed Slytherin wasn't bad I'm a Potter I'm sure they all think that I should be in Gryffindor. What if I get disowned? I am just over thinking I need to calm down I hear Madi finish her introduction and I feel all eyes turn to me. I take a deep breath then step forward.

"Wow Harry he really does look like you right down to the eyes and glasses." I hear Uncle Ron exclaim. Everyone is nodding in agreement and I know I look very much like dad the only difference between us at our age was that I didn't have the scar on my forehead, otherwise I had the same build, eyes, hair and glasses.

"Hi everyone my name is Al Potter",

"Full name Al" I hear James say. Before I could interject Madi says, "I had to say mine so you have to say yours."

I take a deep breath, "Fine then, my name is Albus Severus Potter."

All hell brakes loose. 

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