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After arriving back in our own time and flooing to Potter Manor we hear the voices of our parents coming from the kitchen which surprises me as I thought they would be waiting for us.

We push open the door to the kitchen and stop and look with confusion. There standing in the kitchen is Sirius. We all look in shock, how was he alive he was supposed to be dead. I see him wink at me and I realise he must not have been obliviated when we left.

I see dad walk up to me and say,

"Hey Teddy, did you guys have a good outing?"

I look at him confused since he knew were, we had gone but he doesn't seem concerned.

Everyone else's parents look to be in the same boat as if they don't know we were in the past, they're acting as if we just went out for a walk.

Mum tells us to come in and have breakfast and we all just seem to be in a state of shock that we do.

As we are eating, I see two kids come down that we have never met before but they seem to act as they know us.

Next thing I know Fred is walking in the door and the kids run and give him a hug yelling dad and I realise Sirius must have changed what happened and because of those changes, our parents don't seem to realise we have been gone and they don't realise we have no idea who some of the people here are.

The second generation all look at me as if wanting an answer as it what is going on but I can't give them one right now.

As we are eating, I almost choke on my mouthful when Dad asks me about my old sister and if she and my parents were going to be coming over soon.

I look in shock I can't believe what I have just been asked.

I respond with an uncertain,

"Yes, they should be over soon?"

Breakfast continues weirdly with none of us knowing how to react. It becomes even more shocking when my real mum and dad walk into the room with an older girl who I assume is my sister.

Even more shocking is when two women I don't recognise walk into the room and I hear Alexandra mumble mum and grandma. I realise this must be the woman Sirius loved and his daughter. Which made no sense as he didn't even know they existed until we got into the past.

Once breakfast is over Sirius makes eye contact with us and hoards us into the lounge away from everyone else. He puts up some silencing charms so we can talk without everyone else knowing what is going on.

"You must have questions?" He asks.

We all nod and goes into an explanation.

"As you guys were about to leave, I wondered if there was a way to avoid being obliviated and so just as you were about to leave, I ducked into the pantry in the kitchen. It worked.

Once I came out of the pantry everyone else was standing in shock looking at the spot you guys had been but had no idea why they were standing like that. But I knew I have managed to keep all my memories of you guys and everything you had told us.

I then made it my job to change the future you came from in a positive way. I first thing I did was find my Abbey, it was challenging but I found her which meant we were reunited, and I got to meet my daughter April.

She rejoined the order and moved in with me, and not long after that, we got married.

Since I knew how I died I made sure that I didn't go to the Department of Mysteries that night which meant that I didn't die, and I was able to continue to care for my family.

As I knew about everyone's deaths as I had made sure to gather as much information from you guys as possible, I was able to save everyone we had lost. I pushed Fred out of the way of the wall falling down, I fought alongside Remus and Tonks making sure they were ok.

I went to the boat shed with an antidote and saved Snape so that he didn't die as after hearing Al's story I knew he deserved better. I was able to come up with a spell that mimicked the killing curse and gave it to Snape so that when he 'killed' Dumbledore he didn't actually die; I was able to use black family magic to rid Albus of the poison from the ring.

Teddy, I'm sure you're wondering about your sister. What happened there was now that I knew your parents were going to end up together, I pushed them together earlier which resulted in them marring earlier and such having your sister before they had you.

I don't know how your parents were able to do the call yesterday as if none of the events I changed made any difference but somehow it happened.

Nothing else has changed much other than a few new cousins for you guys to get to know and obviously those people who died are no alive.

I know it was irresponsible because things could have turned out bad, but they haven't' and I think it is time to move on from that.

Now you guys have the challenge of pretending you know what is going on, I will help you guys but the biggest change will be for you Teddy, you grew up with your parents this time around so you have to make sure no to call Harry and Ginny mum and dad.

For the rest of you just pretend like you grew up with me and the other people who died and pretend you know Fred's kids.

We will get through this."

I look at my family and shock and we all come to the same consensus, while it was dangerous what Sirius did, we cannot deny it has done good in the world and we just need to move on from it.

Everyone starts to leave the room once Sirius has lifted the charms. We all go off to do our own things and try to work out what has happened and get to know our 'new' family members.

I go out by the like and look at the water thing about what has happened. I find myself reflecting on the last 24 hours and while I am mad at James and the rest of the gang for going into the study when they knew they were not allowed to I can't help but be happy they did go in.

An accident with the time turner has ended up being one of the best things to happen for our family.

And with that final thought, I head back inside to 'meet' my family and look forward to what the future will bring for us Future Generations. 

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