Chapter 17 - Farwell

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Madi's POV

After going to bed last night I wake up and think that everything that happened yesterday was a dream. However, upon looking to my left I saw my mum as her teenage self and I realise that it wasn't a dream we actually ended up in the past.

I lay awake in bed for a few minutes before I hear grandma coming around the rooms and getting everyone up and ready for breakfast. After changing into some of mums' clothes (which feels weird as I tell yah) I go downstairs to meet up with my family.

Grandma Molly has cooked an amazing breakfast with heaps of different foods like pancakes and hash browns and sausages as well as many other breakfast foods. While we are eating I hear Sirius and Remus ask James about Ashlynn as we never explained much about her last night.

I speak up before James makes a fool of himself,

"Ashlynn has been a long family friend because her parents went to school without parents. James was never close to her but then when we started Hogwarts something seemed to change, and Ashlynn was all he cared about. At first, it was funny watching your brother swoon over your best friend however that feeling disappeared soon when he kept wanting me to try and convince her to go on a date with him.

As it turns out Ashlynn a bit like Lilly was holding out and I think James is starting to get a chance with her based on how their friendship has progressed over the last few months. I give it another couple of weeks, and they'll be together."

I look at James and see that he's looking pretty happy about that.

I'm about to go back to eating when dad speaks up,

"Who are her parents, you never said? I assume her dad is Dean because of the last name but who's her mother?"

I smirk a bit about that.

"Both of her parents went to school with you dad and they were both in your year and your house however it's someone you would not expect. Yes, her dad is Dean but well she doesn't have a mother as she was adopted by Dean and her other dad."

"OTHER DAD!" everyone who was listening seems to shout.

"Yes, her other dad is Seamus Finnigan, no one really knows when they got together but they did, and they adopted Ashlynn whose parents died in a potions accident"

I look at mum and she seems to be in shock, but I guess that's not surprising considering she likes Dean at the moment and is supposed to start dating him in a few months.

Dad and Uncle Ron also look to be in shock considering these are two of their friends and they didn't know they were gay let alone had feelings for one another.

There seems to be a stunned silence until professor Dumbledore walks in with a cheery smile on his face.

"Well children I believe it is time for you to be heading home, everything is set to go. When you leave all of us will forget you ever came to this time and our lives will carry on as if you never came."

Everyone looks around sadly none of us want to leave especially now that we got to meet Sirius and Remus and everyone else, we never got to meet.

I look at Teddy and see that he seems broken at having to say goodbye to his parents.

Us future generations all split off to say goodbye to different people, I head over towards Sirius with Alexandra. Sirius looks just as upset having to say goodbye to his granddaughter and knowing he will never meet her again and also knowing his one love is alive it must be destroying him.

We give him a big ug before gather in the centre of the room with my family, we give everyone watery smiles before grabbing a hold of one another and Teddy says the spell. Slowly a fog starts to appear, and I can no longer see my family from the past.

I feel a pulling and then we are all landing in a pile at Grimuald Place exactly where we left.

I stand up and help to pull my family up, we look around in shock and realise that we're not in Potter Mannor were we thought we would land and so we head to the floo and grab some floo powder and floo home.

We arrive In the living room and hear voices coming from the kitchen when we walk in the door we are all left staring in shock.

Harry's POV

I wave goodbye to my future children as the fog starts to consume the room. Suddenly it clears and I'm left standing staring at an empty spot with everyone else in the same boat.

I have no idea why we are all standing there looking at that spot in the kitchen, everyone else seems to come to the same conclusion and we resume what we were doing which must have been having breakfast.

I look around a notice I can't see Sirius and I start to panic but then he comes out of the pantry with a bowl of chips with a huge smile on his face.

I look at him in wonder and ask,

"Why are you smiling like that?"

He looks at me and says,

"I found some chips my favourite kind in the bottom of the pantry and it made me happy"

I give him a weird look but return to my breakfast, I look at him out of the corner of my eye and when he thinks no-one is watching he gives a smug and dangerous look.

I have a feeling something is going to change I just have no idea what. 

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