Chapter 9 - Introductions Part 7

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Harry's POV

I can't believe I name my son after Snape. I stare at him in shock and then Ron takes the words out of my mouth.

"Harry, were you drunk when you decided to name him." I nod and say, "I must have been."

I hear my son Al say, "You were not drunk you just found out some important stuff that lead to choose that name. I am actually proud to have his and Dumbledores names as mine."

I look at him a bit shocked but also a bit touched.

Snape's POV

I've been paying attention kind of during all this really I was just bored I didn't really want to be here but at the same time I did. I see the youngest Potter triplet get up to introduce himself he seems very nervous more nervous then his other siblings. I here his sister say to him, "Full name". And it makes me wonder why he didn't want to say his full name.

"Fine my name is Albus Severus Potter", I open my mouth in shock and just stair at him and then back to his father. What the hell was the brat thinking?

Then I hear the boys speech about his father finding out something that made him name him like that and I realized that I must have told Potter about my true love and my true allegiance.

I look at the boy and we make eye contact. I hear him say into my mind, "you and me need to talk later". I nod at him but also wonder how he was able to speak inside my head.

Albus's POV

While I watch my uncles talk about me being named after Snape I look to him and use my gift to talk to him without anyone else knowing. I say to him in his head, "You and me need to talk later" I see him nod at me while still looking quite shocked.

I try to get everyone's attention to get them to listen to me but they wont be quite I look to Madi for help and she yells, "SHUT UP WOULD YAH."

Everyone stops to look at her and I turn and say, "Thanks Madi".

"Anyways continuing with my introduction as you now know my name, I am in Slytherin house and before you start yelling again can you remember that we've already established it's a good house. Anyways I am the seeker for Slytherin and as Madi and James are my triplets I am 17 and in my 7th year at Hogwarts. As my siblings said I am also able to speak Parseltongue and my element is air. I also have another gift that allows me to speak into other people's minds by looking at them in the eye."

I hear a few gasps from the order members, "But not many people can do that the last known person was Voldemort" I hear my father say.

"Yes that is true but as you already know our family are strange and have these extra powers and that is mine. Now onto the last potter my little sister."

Lilly's POV

As soon as Albus has finished I jump up excited to meet my younger family. "Hi guys, my name is Lilly Luna Potter and I am 14 and in my 4th year at Hogwarts. I am in Hufflepuff and play chaser for the team. I like my dad got onto the Team first year and you can hear about that a little later if you like," I say with a big smile on my face.

I hear a few family members say that will look forward to hearing that story.

"As you know my family are strange so I can speak Parseltongue and the element I can control is Earth but you could have worked that out by process of elimination. Now finally as you are all wanting to know who's my siblings and my mother is, I'm not just going to tell you but if you look at me you should be able to work it out."

There is a moment of silence before Sirius says, "Is it Ginny since youv'e got her red hair."

I look around and see everyone thinking a similar thing to which I nod and say, "yes".

There is a moment if silence when it sinks in and then all the Wesley boys turn to dad and at the same time yell, "YOU KNOCKED UP OUR SISTER"? And then Uncle Ron said, "not only that you knowed her up four times."

My brother being the idiot with a cheecky grin said, "No only twice that we know of since three of use would have been from the same time."

My Uncles looked at him scandlus, while Mum and Dad are both flushed bright red.

I hear Grandma Molly say, "Harry now you are really part of our family."

I laugh and then signal for Lorcan or Lysander to go.

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