Chapter 3 - Introductions Part 1

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Sirius POV

The man with blue hair says they are from the future and I don't believe him.

"You can't be from the future, you must be Death Eaters in disguise", I tell him.

The blue haired man says, "No we are not we are from the year 2021".

I was about to yell at them again about what crap this is when Remus taps me on the should and says, "No give them some Veritaserum then we will know the truth".

I look at him as if to say, are you serious (pun not intended). Remus nods so I calm myself down and ask if the blue haired man is ok to take some Veritaserum to see if what they say is true.

After a moment of hesitation he agrees. Dumbledore arrives just in time to witness what he says.

First I decide to ask what year they are from, he said "2021" without even missing a beat.

I think that the next appropriate question would be to find out if they mean any harm to us so I ask him, "Do you mean to harm any of us?"

He shakes his head no and the rest of their group nod in agreement. After a few more questions mostly asked by Dumbledore we believe they are who they said they are, that they were indeed form the future.

Dumbledore steps forward to lead them to the dining room, now that I get a look at them a lot of them look really familiar.

Teddy's POV

We follow Dumbledore towards the dining room and everyone settles down. I ask him to get everyone in the house down to come listen and if he could also contact Neville, Luna, Charlie, Bill, Mcgonagall and Snape to come as well because they probably need to hear this.

We waited a bit for everyone to arrive but once they all did it got a bit awkward.

Uncle Ron stated the obvious when he arrived asking, "Who are these people?".

Good job mate you have eyes.

Dumbledore stepped forward and explained that we were from the future.

"Could you please introduce yourselves so that we know your names?" Aunt Hermione asked.

We agreed and said all our names in a kind of role call form. "Teddy, Victorie, Hugo, Louis, Lucy, Aiden, Jackson, Dominique, Lorcan, Lysander, Molly, Michelle, Albus, Lilly, Lucas, Ava, Rose, Scorpius, James, Madi, Izzy, Fred, Roxy, Ben and Ethan".

Now that everyone was gathered in the Dining Room, Dumbledore stepped forward and asked us to introduce ourselves again but this time say who our parents are, how old we are and also what house we are in and anything else we wanted to add.

Just before I was about to start Dad or Harry spoke up and said, "How come a lot of you look very similar to us?"

I responded without missing a beat. "Most of us are your future generations".

Sirius spoke up saying in disbelief, "We had children with You Know Who Alive! How could we do that too you?"

"You mean Voldemort?" I ask, they flinch and nod. I make eye contact with the others and they nod, I take a breath and say, "There is no Voldemort when we were born, he died in 1998 when Harry killed him."

They all look so happy that he dies in three years, that they only have to put up with three years of crap.

"That's amazing", Dumbledore said, "but lets get back to the introductions".

"I guess I'll go first" I replied.

"My name is Edward Remus Lupin but I prefer to be called Teddy." I watched as Remus paled when I told him that I was his son.

I watched mum get angry because she thinks she didn't win him over. Just wait till they find out who my mother is, it is going to be a big shock.

Remus was in too much shock to speak so Sirius naturally spoke first breaking the stunned silence, "Me and Lilly always told you you'd find someone special".

Remus came out of the shock and spoke in a quite whisper, "How could I do this to your mother, to you".

I calmly told him, "Mum knew what she was doing".

Remus then in a very quite tone asked the question I knew he would, "Are you like me a a..",

"Werewolf" I offered.

"No I'm not I only get cranky around the time of the full moon and I like my meat raw but otherwise I'm completely normal. Well semi normal l guess."

"How?" was his next question, I changed my blue hair to bright orange and said, "The Metamorphmagus gene canceled out the wolf ones."

I watched as my mum brightened up at that point, she whispered, "Teddy am I your mother?"

While looking down to stop myself from crying I mumbled "yes".

She suddenly sprang forward and held me in a tight embrace, after a minute Remus soon joined us.

This was the first time I had been able to hug my parents that I could remember. This was the first time I ever I got talk to them to actually touch them. I couldn't help but smile into the warm embrace.

"Tell us about yourself Teddy" mum told me.

"Well I was Head boy and was in Hufflepuff. I am now 24 years of age. I am a Metamorphmagus as you know and you already know who my parents are. I am also engaged to Victorie Weasley."

"Victorie your up" I said with a smile, looking at my beautiful fiancé.

Victorie's POV

I stepped forward making some jaws drop. I kept looking over at my dad to see what his reaction would be, he seemed to be making some connections as to who's daughter I might be.

"Hello my name is Victorie Weasley, I am..".

"Weasley but you have blond hair" Uncle Ron cut me off mid sentence.

"Almost all of us are Weasleys Uncle Ron", I told him.

"How many of you are Weasleys?" Grandma Molly asked.

Seventeen of us raised our hands and I also said, "While not everyone here is a Weasley by blood all of us are considered your Grandchildren so I guess we are all your Grandchildren in a way."

Molly squealed in delight at the though of having so many grandchildren I can't really blame her to be honest I love going to her house with all the other grandkids.

"Anyways I was in Gryffindor and was Head girl with Teddy. I am also 24, I am engaged to Teddy as you know and finally my parents are Bill and Fleur."

At this many of the boys chocked and Ginny groaned that she was now related to Fleur in a way.

Molly confused said, "The girl from the Triwizard Tournament? How does Bill know her?"

I could see dad blushing at this out of the corner of my eye.

George decided to answer with a smirk saying, "Bill haz been helpzing her to improve her enliizh. But apparently it has been more then that".

I look over at Dad along with everyone else to see that he is blushing even brighter now.

"I have a daughter with Fleur, Wow." What an informative response dad.

Dominque decided to cut in now saying, "Actually you have another my name is Dominque Weasley. And I am also your daughter."

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