Chapter 15 - Tragedy

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Dumbledore's POV

Watching these children and seeing how they act around one another I can see that the close bounds their parents have with each other are reflected into their children.

It's shocking for everyone even me when James explodes, and we can see that his element of fire really takes control. I've heard of people who can control the elements but making them from their bodies this is something new to even me.

Seeing how his sister calms his down with her element shows that these children have experienced a lot as a family, and it has made them stronger. Looking at Maddi and James you can feel the power around them the power that comes from the most powerful witches and wizards.

Feeling this, I know that whatever life throws at these children as long as they are together nothing will stand in their way.

When I hear Rose's question, I feel relief wash over me that I can tell the children we have found a way for them to get home.

"The spell that I had in mind will work, we just need to cast it at the right time. I've done the calculations and casting it tomorrow at 12:00 pm will be the perfect time to send your children back to your own time."

Teddy's POV

When I hear Dumbledore say we can leave tomorrow, I'm happy it means we can get out of this time and get back to our own.

We all look at each other happy that we can get back to our own time when I hear a whimper.

I turn to look and see Fred the first looking upset. I lock eyes with some of my family and we all nod knowing what's about it happen.

"I'm dead, aren't I?" Fred asks.

Before I could answer George speaks up, "no you can't be."

"I have to be, otherwise where are my children why aren't they here. I look at them and none of them look at me with the familiarity that they look at the rest of you." Is Fred's response.

I shake my head with a sad look on my face before saying.

"Yes, Fred your dead. We've never met you. You died in the battle of Hogwarts which takes place in 1998."

I look at the family from the past and see they're all upset George looks like he's about to burst into tears, Grandma is already crying.

I look at Victoire and she sends me the slightest nod.

I sigh before speaking, "Actually while we're on the topic Fred you're not the only person we've never meet."

This sends the family into a state of nervousness.

"Sirius you die in a few months saving Dad. Dumbledore you die at the end of our parents 6thyear. Remus, Tonks, Snape you all die with Fred in the Battle for Hogwarts."

I hear a choked sob coming from our family they all look at each other in shock realizing that they are not invincible and that they suffer some losses.

"That's why I named my kids after you, Sirius and Tonks. Because you don't survive, and I wanted to honor you." Dad chokes out.

"Teddy, If both your mother and I die who raises you?" My real dad asks.

"Harry does, you name him my godfather and he raises me. That's why when you pulled me in for a hug earlier I didn't know how to respond that was the first time I remember being held by you guys."

I feel bad real mum looks like she's about to break down in tears.

I look at them all and say, "I'm sorry this had to be brought up we were hoping to leave without having to tell you."

I see them nod their heads in acknowledgment.

Just as I'm about to say something else, I hear Lily let out a yelp as her mirrors heat up again.

Lily's POV

As Teddy's trying to talk to our family about the deaths that occur, I feel the mirror heat up again suddenly. I pull it out again and then expand it so that it becomes the full mirror, Dad suddenly appears in the picture.

"Hi Lily, we've got some news for you," Dad tells me.

I nod at him and say, "So do we, Dumbledore just told us that we will be able to come home tomorrow at 12:00 pm and that we should appear right where we left which will be at home."

He nods at me and says, "That is awesome flower. We got in contact with Alexandra's parents and her mother and grandmother came right over they're here to speak to her."

I nod and call Alexandra over, she looks at me confused.

I tell her, "You mum and grandmother are on the mirror phone and want to talk to you."

Alexandra's POV

I look into the mirror and see mum and grandma, they don't look angry only worried.

"Alexandra, where are you? And how did you get there?"

Mum bombards me with questions as soon as she sees I'm in the mirror.

"Mum calm down I was at Grandma's going through some old stuff when I came across an old locket. Grandma told me not to touch it, but I saw an engraving and wanted to read what it said. So, I touched it and whipped the dust away to see the message was "I will always love you SB." I was thinking of who SB could be and then I ended up here." As I talked about the locket I heard a gasp come from the man I was introduced to Sirius.

I looked at him a bit confused but didn't say anything.

Soon I see grandma come into the mirror and she asks me, "You're in Grimmauld Place with a man named Sirius?"

I nod at her and she takes a deep breath before saying, "get him for me please".

I look over to Sirius and say, "My grandmother wants to talk to you".

I see him take a big breath and walk over to the mirror when he looks in her almost breaks down in tears and I don't understand why.

"Look after her while she's their Sirius she's my blood and not only mine but yours too."

I look at him and grandma confused what does she mean by blood I've never even met this man before.

He nods at her with tears in his eyes and asks, "Why did you never tell me, why did you leave?"

"I did it for her safety, if I hadn't left, she would have died. I still Love you and if you were here today, I would have come and found you as soon as it was over but you're not and there isn't anything I can do about it. So, make the most of the time you've got."

As their conversation between Sirius and grandma continues it seems to make less and less sense to me and almost everyone else listening. None of us know what's going on.

Mr. Potter comes back into the mirror and says, "We'll see you all tomorrow take care until then".

Once the mirror is shut off, everyone including myself turns to look at Sirius wanting to know what's going on but he's sitting with his hands in his head.

I see him look up at me and he asks me, "What's your full name?"

"Alexandra Wilson" I reply confusedly.

"What's your mother's name?"

"April Wilson"

"What's her maiden name?"

"April Nott"

I hear the man they introduced as Remus gasp and I see Sirius drop his head to his hands once again.

"Why? How is that important?"

The two mean make eye contact before Sirius looks at me and says...

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