Chapter 16 - The Truth

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Sorry for not updating in a while been pretty busy with uni and work. However, due to the COVID-19 situation, New Zealand has been put into a 4-week lockdown with Uni's and schools closing as well as all non-essential workplaces which includes my own so I have four-weeks starting from tonight at midnight to do whatever I want from home pretty much. So this is the first chapter I've written in a long time but more will definitely come as I aim to finish this book while in lockdown for four weeks. 

Stay safe everyone 

Sirius's POV

I had started to make the connection as to who the girl in front of me was when she read the inscription on the locket. The locket that I made for the women that I loved. When I was called the mirror, I knew deep down who I would be looking at but I didn't want to accept it until I saw it. But as soon as I looked, I knew, I knew that the woman I loved was alive.

While talking to her all I can think about is the girl in front of me and how important she has suddenly come to me.

After the conversation ended, I can see everyone except for Remus is looking at us in confusion and I know I need to explain it to them and especially to her. I look at Alexandra and to everyone and else and begin the explanation.

When we were at Hogwarts there was a girl in our group that a bit like me defied her family and rebelled against their dark beliefs. Her name was Abbey Nott from the Nott family, a well known dark family. You kids went to school with Theodore who is Abbey's sister Nadias, son.

April who is Alexandra's mother would have been at Hogwarts in the year above yours Harry, but I assume everyone would have assumed she was Nadia's daughter as it was long believed that Abbey had died. However, this appears to not be the case.

As I'm sure you have worked out Abbey was dear to me and we were in a relationship and it was quite serious as we were engaged. However, a few months after our engagement she disappeared. The order spent months trying to find her however with no luck. With heavy hearts, we declared her dead after finding no traces after five months.

I was devastated she was my world, but now I know she was not dead but in hiding for a very valid reason. Alexandra, I am your grandfather, I am your mothers' father and the conversation you guys would have heard in the mirror but not understand was Abbey confirming the April is my daughter and that she went into hiding to protect her and keep her safe.

I am not angry at Abbey I understand why she did it and while it is heartbreaking I am glad that I can spend the next couple of hours with you Alexendra and get to know you better if you'll let me.

I look at her to see her reaction and she nods.

Which is all I need.

Albus's POV

Everyone is still in a state of shock at the information that has just been revealed, no one really knows how to react. Dad looks particularly shocked and still seems to be attempting to process what just happened.

Soon everyone starts to break off into smaller groups talking about various different things.

I look at Snape and nod to the hallway, he nods and follows me out.

He looks like he wants to say something but doesn't know how I so I start by telling him,

"You showed dad your memories, the ones of you meeting Lilly, the way your friendship progressed, to memories of your time together at Hogwarts, to your meeting with the headmaster wanting to save them, to your looking out for dad throughout his time in school, your memories of finding Lilly's body and then you show dad your patronus and how it was matched to Lilly's' because of the connection you had with her.

After all that there was no way he could not admire you. Before you say something, I want you to know that I am proud to have your name. You sacrificed so much for the women you loved knowing that she did not love you the same way back. You protected her son and even though you loved her you hated the man she married. You struggled to disconnect dad from James however you still protected him. I will not be proud of the sacrifices you made."

After my speech, Snape seems a little shocked like he wasn't expecting any of that.

Snapes POV

I cannot believe Pooter named his son after me, after listening to the boy's speech I am shocked, I can't believe he likes carrying my name.

I look at him with regard and say,

"Thank you, I am honored to have you carry my name and I'm sure you will do great things".

It's all I can seem to say and the boy nods at me in acknowledgment before leaving to rejoin his family.

James's POV

We all split into groups and the Marauder Second Generation gather together to talk with those that were waiting to hear and explanation. I begin the explanation by saying,

"Well, we all grew up on the stories of the Marauders, Fred and Georges pranks as well as the mischief the golden trio got up too that I seemed impossible that some of that would not rub off into us.

As we got older, we formed a group that started to prank our family and as we got older it became more of a real thing and when we started at Hogwarts, we started to make a name for ourselves. We wanted a memorable name and so we started to adopt the name of the people that had been our inspiration.

The Marauders, however, we were not them and since we were the grandchildren of the original members we decided to name ourselves The Marauder Second Generation and we have been wreaking havoc ever since."

I look at Sirius and Remus who looks so proud and everyone else who just looks impressed.

We are about to start some more conversations when Grandma Molly jumps in and says,

"it's time for bed we have all had a massive day and everyone is exhausted and dead on their feet".

I go to refute her but then I look at my family and see half of them are almost asleep, like Rose sleeping on Scorpius's shoulder. I note that I am feeling pretty tired too and so we all agree and head to the beds' Grandma Molly has set up for us. 

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