Chapter 14 - Explosive Decisions

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Teddy's POV

I can't believe after waiting for a couple of days to find out what was up with Rose, I never expected it to be this. Rape, Sexual Assault, Unlawful use of magic for assault to take place. Mason is looking at some serious charges if Rose decides to push for charges.

Should I ask Rose if she's going to press charges? I think I should. "Rose, um are you planning on pressing charges against Mason?"

I see her flinch and think about as she's about to answer James cuts her off.

"Of course, she is going to be pressing charges he deserves to be expelled for that kind of behavior! Hell, he deserves to go to Azkaban for that kind of behavior he needs some form of punishment more than just Scorps punches and whatever Roxanne did! Though I do find a bit a joy in knowing that at least he had some punishment, but it needs to be more for what he's done to our Rose!"

I can see we are all standing wide-eyed looking at James as he rants and he gets more passionate and angrier I can see smoke starting to rise out of his hands and out if his head.

The cousins and I all take a step back knowing what is about to happen however we forget to inform our other family members of what is about to happen.

I hear Sirius say, "Harry maybe you wanna try to calm your son down." While he shoves dad towards James.

I pale and realize what's about to happen however I can't react fast enough. Fortunately for us, Albus does and tackles Dad (Harry) to the ground just as James explodes and Fire rips out of his body.

I've seen this happen a few times and it's never good. James looks like a god with his hair being replaced by flames and his hands expelling it out. His whole-body glows bright orange and his eyes have changed from their normal green to a bright red/orange color. To someone who has never seen James explode it's terrifying. But for those that have seen it, they can see the beauty in it.

Our family from the past let out explains of shock and fear at looking at James exploding. They scramble back towards where the rest of us have taken shelter.

I see Madi get up out of the corner of my eye and realize what she's about to do. However, our family from that past seem to have forgotten her element will cancel out James and he'll go back to being normal cause I see Dad, Real Dad and Sirius all try to grab her and pull her back.

I see Albus grab them back and say, "Just watch she knows what she's doing."

We all watch as Madi walks up closer to James and we see steam start from Madi's body as the extra water that is always around her heats up with the heat from James fire.

Madi makes eye contact with us as we see her Green eyes change to a deep aqua/blue color signaling she's about to release the water. We watch as Madi's hair also changes to water and then Water is expelling out of her hand and pouring down onto James.

We hear the sizzle and see the steam as the water makes contact with the flames. Soon we have to duck behind furniture as the heat being let off from the steam is making it to hard to continue looking at James and Madi.

After what feels like hours but has only been a few minutes we stop hearing any sizzling sounds and instead just hear heavy breathing. We peek out from behind the furniture and see James and Madi back in their normal states with Madi hugging James.

I turn to look at our family and they all shake their heads can't believe it happened. James hasn't had an explosion like that in a long time and the last time he did someone almost died so James makes sure the fire never takes control, however, this time he was just too angry and distracted to hold it back.

Our family from the past all still seem to be in a state of shock until James speaks from the crook of Madi's neck.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to happen. Rose whatever you want to do about Mason we will support you no matter what you decide. And it's your decision that needs to make because it's going to be your memories and your experiences that are talked about and we just need to support you in whatever way we can to make whatever decision you choose to be easiest for you."

I suddenly feel my body shoved out of the way as Rose runs past me and into James' arms. Madi lets go of James as soon as she sees Rose running towards him and steps back as the two cousins embrace.

Rose as tears on her face as we hear her say to James. "Thank you, James, thank you, thank you."

I smile knowing that whatever happens now it'll be done as a family.

Rose POV

I can't believe James explode like that and for me, it just reinforces what Scorp has been telling me these last few days that what happened was not my fault and that my family will support me no matter what.

As James apologies, I really think about what he said do I want to report Mason it's not going to be like in muggle cases. We have Veritaserum meaning Mason and I will both tell the truth. We can look at my memories and Scorps memories of what happened, and they can be checked to make sure they haven't been altered. If I choose to press charges there isn't a way he will be able to get out of it without lying. And the memories and Veritaserum will show that I never said yes I told him to stop.

Suddenly realizing what James's message meant meaning that Mason could face punishment leads me to run at him and tackle him into a really big hug. He seems a little shocked at first but then responds my hug. While hugging I tell him. "Thank you, James, thank you, thank you."

After a minute I let go of James and turn to face my family with newfound courage and determination. "We have to get back to our own time because I am reporting what Mason did and that bastard is going to face some real punishment for what he did."

My family all look at me in shock and then in hope and proudness.

I turn towards Dumbledore and ask.

"Where are we on our way home?"

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