Chapter 6 - Introductions Part 4

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Fred (II) POV

I'm looking around at my Family and I can't help but stair at my namesake. I never got to meet him but I learnt and found out so much about him. He was my dads best friends his other half of his sole and I know it took him ages to regain the life and spark inside of him after he died.

I know that me and Roxy look quite different from the rest of our family while everyone else is pale and has fair skin we have darker skin because of mum. Because of thie neither of us have red hair so we don't really look like our family which confuses some people.

After Lucy has introduced herself I take a step forward to introduce myself. I try to keep the strut out my walk but judging by Lucy's fit of giggles I think I didn't do to well.

I look at my family and they are trying to work out who I am and who's child I might be, because I don't really look like dad I don't think they would will be able to work out who's kid I am.

After a few minutes of awkward silence Remus steps forward and ask, "I don't think any of us are able to work out who you are so why don't you just tell us?"

I laugh and nod at him, "I am Fred Weasley."

Past Fred then spoke up and said, "No I am".

I laughed at that but revised my statement and said, "I am Fred ll Weasley", then looking at Uncle Fred I said, "You are my namesake".

He laughs and said, "I named my son after myself?"

I laugh but shake my head, "no you didn't, my dad is Geroge." I say looking at him directly in eye when I said that.

Uncle Fred turned to his brother, "you named your son after me?"

He smiles and says, "Why wouldn't I."

Dad then turns to me and asks who my mother is, "Angelina Johnson."

At this uncle Fred turns back to his brother and exclaims, "you stole my Girlfriend".

Dad just laughs, he looks at me and says, "Tell us about yourself son."

I smile and tell him, "I am 17 years old and am in my 7th year, I am a proud Gryffindor. I am also a member of the Marauder Second Generation. I am a beater for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. I also hold the most detention record at Hogwarts with James and we broke the Marauders and the twins out together in our first year."

Dad looks and me, "I am so proud, good job son."

Sirius then laughs and looks at Professor Mcgonagall, who has lost a lot of colour in her face. He then says, "Look Minnie someone in Gryffindor is still giving you hell."

She just looks at me and then asks, "why she hasn't retired yet".

I just laugh at her and say, "Because you love us to much you have special chairs for just James and me set up in your office and you let nobody else sit in them because they are our chairs."

She just looks shocked then laughs and says, "Well at least it would make the school year more interesting."

I laugh then say, "Yup that's me, ohh and I also have a twin sister. Roxy your up."

Roxy POV

We were all laughing so much while Fred was intorudcing himself trust it to be my twin that makes a mess and scare away the family. When I hear him say my name I pull myself together and walk forward.

"Hey guys, as Fred just said my name is Roxy. Well my full name is Roxanne Weasley but everyone calls me Roxy. I am 17 and in my seventh year same as Fred. I am also in Gryffindor and I am also the other Gryffindor beater. I am also a member of the Marauders Second Generation, so pretty much Fred and I are the same in a lot of ways."

Dad smiles at me and then Minnie says, "You're a good student though?"

I smile and laugh, "I'm not the best I still do pranks and other stuff with my brother and James but I am more behaved and don't get in trouble or caught as much."

She smiles at that.

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