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I didn't go back to my dorm until I handed in my dissertation after the lecture we had. The atmosphere was bound to be awkward considering the circumstances Avery and I were in but it couldn't be helped and I just had to deal with it. Plus Avery was a nice girl so I didn't see any harm in me being friends with my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. But I did know, deep inside my heart, that if Avery and Rowan displayed the slightest show of affection then I'd stop being the barrier between the two of them being happy.

"Oh, Evie, you're back," Avery exclaimed once she heard the door slam shut. "About this afternoon-"

"Don't mention it, Avery, it's ok," I said, trying my hardest to put on a genuine smile for her.

"But I really am sorry, Evie. Honestly, when I saw Rowan again I don't know what came over me and I just had to hear his voice or feel his touch once more."

"It's ok, Avery. Seriously it's fine."

"But, Evie, I beg you to let me have my Rowan back?" Her Rowan? Yes, Rowan was her boyfriend to start with. "Evie, I truly don't want to ask you to do this but I love Rowan and I know he loves me too even though he's denying it right now since he has you. Just drift yourself apart from him, please. I'm pleading, Evie."

"I just got together with him, Avery," I tried to reason with her but she was too desperate to rekindle her love with Rowan that she became deaf to whatever I said against her plea.

"Then it won't be too hard to break up with him, would it?" She raised an eyebrow at me but I merely shook my head. I know I said I wouldn't get in the way of their relationship but that was only if both of them wanted it. If Rowan said he wanted it too then I'd back off.

"Avery, could we please change the subject?"

"Will you at least sleep on it? I would hate to forcefully take Rowan from you."

"What do you mean?"

"Evie, I need Rowan. He's my lifeboat and I need and want him here in my life with me. We were going to grow old together, for heaven's sake."

"Avery, I'm sorry, but I can't just give you what you want. I can't just hand over Rowan as if he's a damn toy. As if he means nothing to me." A meaningful silence surrounded as both and neither of us said a word afterwards.

I crashed onto my bed and just tried to think. What the fuck am I getting into? Evie, what're you doing with yourself?

The knocking of the door yanked me out of bed and as I opened it Hayden stormed in.

"Evie, he agreed!" He squealed excitedly. I genuinely loved Hayden as he never failed to replace the frown on my face with a smile.

"Who agreed and to what?"

"Mason agreed to go on a date with me!"

"Gosh that's fantastic, Haydie." I rejoiced alongside Hayden because he deserved to find that one person who treats him as well as Rowan treats me. Who looks at him as if he's the rarest beauty in the world and if he looks away then it'll be gone forever.

"Haydie," I heard Avery snicker. After living on my own for quite a while I forgot that we had another human present amidst our conversation.

"Avery Clark, it's been a while," Hayden said, stepping closer to her.

"Hayden Carter, right back at you. Never knew you were gay, Hayden."

"I never knew you were a conniving bitch, but we can't all be brilliant at spotting secrets now can we?"

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