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"That photo is cute. Where did you get it taken?" Avery asked, slyly eyeing the photo of Rowan and I on Stealth.

"At Thorpe Park," I replied, not lifting my eyes from my notebook.

"When did you go there?"


"Why did you go?" I slammed my pen on my notebook, took off my glasses and faced her in exasperation.

"Does it look like it's any of your business as to why we went? We're dating! I highly doubt we need a legitimate reason before going somewhere together."

"You know he took me to Thorpe Park for our first date too," she said, a devilish glint entering her eyes.

"How fascinating."

"Evelyn, I hope you realise that he'll never love you like he loved me," she sat herself down on the edge of my bed and patted my shoulder to comfort me. A comfort I had no idea I needed.

"I don't want him to love me like he loved you. I don't want our love to be short term like yours," I said casually, knowing that the mention of Rowan not loving her anymore was more than enough to get her blood boiling.

"You bitch!" I just stared at her tiredly, indicating for her to hurry up with her bullshit before I walked out of the room. She seemed taken aback by my carefree expression at her vulgarity and plopped onto her bed in exasperation. The hatred Avery had bundled up for me in a few short days couldn't exactly go on for forever since we were roommates. Unless I wanted to pull her hair out by the end of the year we had to find our reconciliation between the both of us.

"Avery," I exhaled, "I don't want to be in a continuous war with you like I was with my previous roommate. I know how much you love Rowan but you've got to understand that you can't meddle in people's relationship against their own will."

"Tell me about Faye."

"Faye was very friendly at the beginning, but when she suspected that something was happening between Rowan and I she became terribly envious. She dug into my past and emotionally bullied me by herself and when she left her friend Aubrey finished the job off."


"Please don't apologise. It's in the past and by giving me your pity it means you think I'm still suffering. Honestly I've gotten so much better in the past few months. I don't believe I would've improved so much without Hayden's continuous cheerful behaviour and Rowan's persistently nagging advice."

"He means a lot to you, doesn't he?" she asked, her face suddenly losing all the fight stored up in her for Rowans companionship.

"He certainly does. He means so much to me that when he first asked me I refused him, because why would I want him to carry around a burden who crashes down every now and then due to a few mere words? Rowan stuck around though and I eventually realised he wasn't going to go anywhere even if I pushed him away."

"Meaning you eventually fell for him?"

"I did. I fell so hard and no way am I going to get back up without a fight. Actually no, I won't get up without losing a war." The determination was visible in me and I knew Avery could see it too since she didn't contradict whatever I said.

"I understand everything you said, Evie, but my feelings towards Rowan are still very strong therefore I won't go down without a fight either. Hatred is something I don't feel towards you but if that's what I have to project for me to get my boyfriend back then so be it." And here I was thinking we were having a moment. Looks like I as wrong.

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