Chapter I

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Writer Note


All the writing in a strange language is Latin, just thought I would inform you. 

Hope you enjoy!! :)


Brianna POV

My dad's old, very old. I sat there eating breakfast across the little wooden table, staring at him devour his raisin muffin. The sticky crumbs stuck in the maze of wrinkles which lined his face. He had mad scientist hair, white and wispy, whereas my hair was cinnamon brown which was cut in a straight line at the base of my shoulder blades. His eyes where a watery blue full of discolored cataracts, but when his eyes fall on you he glazes with a calculating look. I can remember that after mom died I was scared of his eyes, but now, they hold knowledge of his past, of her past. But I know he would never share. He was so old. Like antique behind a glass cabinet door old.

"What? Do I have a muffin on my face?"

I tore my eyes away from my dad and started absentmindedly out the grimy window, "What do you think?" I answered, smiling sarcastically looking back at him.

"A question answered with a question. You should be a detective." He said, laughing as he rubbed his sleeve across his prune-ish mouth.

Still smiling I stood up, chair scratching against the stained tiles "Love you dad, but Cameron's waiting."

"I need to go too. Bye Bree." He unfolded himself and did I particular but really quite scary full body jiggle to get all the crumbs off. It was truly a horrific spectacle. Then he half swayed half hobbled to the door, he turned to wave at me as he scooped up his work bag.

"Dad wait! Your keys!" I scooped up his keys from the top of the stained stone counter. And threw with a terrible aim at my dad, naturally and thankfully, I missed. The keys hit the door with a dull thud and landed at his feet. He chuckled and retrieved his keys with the cracking of aged bones. He opened the door as Cameron locked the door to the neighboring apartment.

"Good day Cameron. I'm in a bit of a rush so I have to go but you and Bree have a good day at school." He gave Cameron a quick tap on the shoulder, then rushed off looking like a demented penguin being chased.

"Hey there." Cameron walked right into the kitchen and sat down on a shabby three-legged stool that groaned under his body.

"Hi! Pass me that plate." I said as I dumped my bowl in the soapy water. Cameron lent over the counter and dropped the chipped plate in the water creating a tidal wave over the side of the sink. I gave him a wake over the head with a slightly damp towel before bending down to mop up the puddle on the floor.

Cameron was my best friend, he knew me better than anyone, not everything but well enough to know everything I know. Our mothers were friends when they were pregnant but that is all I knew about her, so Cam was kind of like a beacon that reminded me of her. Cameron is two months older than me. I never knew my mom, she died three days before I was meant to be born, the doctors had to extract me from her, it was a miracle that I'm still alive. Cameron's mother helped with the food shopping and girl stuff. My dad can't even lock the front door correctly.

"How late are we?" I'm worried that we missed the bus as I hurriedly threw the damp towel back into the soapy water and I rushed to retrieve my school bag.

"Don't worry. We have... shit" Cameron whispered turning pale, "we are so dead, we have maths first and the bus left 5 minutes ago!" I cursed the world and closed my eyes to collect myself. Halfway through the week and I already considered dead.

Ms. Cole. A true ray of sunshine! She was as sweet as a devil or a sour patch kid. Anyway, Luke Kaspus was late once; he went missing for the next 3 periods. Rumors said that Ms. Cole had chained him up in the supply closet and only let him out when his Geography teacher asked about him.

"We are so dead! I feel sick!" Cameron groaned and dramatically slumped onto the counter like a spoilt 3-year-old. Whenever Cameron was stressed or scared he would either start hyperventilating, or he would throw up.

"You're so overdramatic. It's no big deal!" He was turning dangerously pale and I did not want to deal with him right now. So I turned away from him and took a deep breath then turned back smiling. 

"How about we stay here, relax and hang, out watching TV. Then we can take the 10 o'clock bus, for French. No need to stress, ok?" I said with a calming smile and a soothing tone. He looked apprehensive but soon gave in due to his complete lack of determination.

We sat on the decrepit old couch watching an old episode of Supernatural and my broken TV. The top left corner was broken exposing wires, it ticked and puffed out dust and hair out the vents. It was kind of concerning because I didn't really feel like dealing with a fire this morning.

"Do you want some popcorn? We have millions of packets in the cupboard. Dad said it helps your brain and your gut bacteria. I say it just tastes good. It's his new obsession"

Camren was too engrossed in the episode to even comprehend what I said. So I poked him in the ribs. I repeated my question in a monotoned voice. He stared at me strangely then answered carefully:

"What? Oh, yeah. And please don't mention gut bacteria, it reminds me too much of our unit in science. That video was so gross; I threw up all over Lindsey!" Cameron grinned and winked.

I couldn't help but laugh, the memory of the popular Lindsey Karsonler covered in puke was one of the most amazing memories ever. I jumped over the back of the moldy couch and rummaged around in the cupboard searching through the mess of half-empty cereal boxes and half full cookies packets until I found some packets of popcorn with a thin layer of dust coating it. I glanced back at Cam then blew the dust off the packet.

Like most teenaged guys, Cameron loves food even if it was a little old. His mom's an amazing cook, but she had never exploited her talent due to Cam being so time-consuming. She would work at a McDonald's all day from 6 to 11:30 to afford enough to keep her little family of two off the streets and with clothes on their backs. I was in a similar situation, but we go through ok.

By the time the old faulty microwave clock signaled that it was almost 10. We had eaten two packets of popcorn, burnt a packet and dropped the kernels on the floor.

"It's almost 10. We better get going." Cameron said lifting himself off of the couch I winced as grinding and complaining resonated from it as the rusted springs collapsed. The couch saged to the floor. I sighed and laid my face in my palms I would have to fix that later. I counted to 10 and then looked up all cool and collected.

"One last thing!" I grabbed a disheveled notepad of the table and rote;

Fix couch and food shop.

I swung around throwing the pad back onto the counter and at the same time checking my appearance in the mirror, I looked a bit disheveled so I attached my hair in a very loose and rushed braid. Then I locked the door, forgetting to grab my lunch.

For no reason at all, I glanced around for a millisecond before taking my 1st step from the door. I really am insane.

The Elemental Wars - Sanity         Book 1 (complete BUT UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now